Authors Note + Information Board

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Hello, Fellow Degenerates!

I just wanted to do a little update about the stuff I think is necessary information about the story the will come up later on.

I will probably update this section of the information board because I'm  currently writing this at 11.13 PM and I'm still thinking of ideas.. as I'm writing this I have published the first 5 chapters and the way I'm writing the Episode Based Chapters is I'm watching the anime and closely matching the situations but adding Y/n into it with his little twist... some chapters may be original situations as well..

Fact #1: Y/n is an Orphan.

when Y/n was about 5, he was in a car crash and his parents didn't survive. Later that week, Y/n met Najimi for the first time and they became best friends.

Fact #2: Y/n knew about Najimi's Gender.

Y/n was the only person that 100% knows that Najimi is a Boy. Najimi went through middle school with Tadano and Y/n as her main friends. In the last year of Middle School, Najimi still wore the Male Uniform Jacket, but decided to combine it with the Female Uniform's skirt. (See Picture below)

Y/n also was Najimi's main defence from the bullies that called Najimi horrible slurs and tried to attack her

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Y/n also was Najimi's main defence from the bullies that called Najimi horrible slurs and tried to attack her.

Fact #3: Agari knew Y/n in Middle School.

Agari met Y/n in Middle School and had a massive crush on him, which in turn made Agari realise that she wanted to be treated like a Dog because Y/n has a love for Dogs. Agari would act like a dog around Y/n and he was extremely uncomfortable with the situation and eventually shut her down. (More on that in the Ramen Daro chapter.)

Fact #4: Y/n hates Yamai with a Passion.

Y/n always avoided Yamai and whenever he hears her voice gets unbelievably angry... In The Chapter when Y/n was at Yamai's house, he had a Pocket Knife in his Jacket and planned to use it if Yamai tried anything with her sharpened Chopsticks. Y/n didn't end up using the Knife because he knew it would scar Najimi, Komi and Tadano.

Childhood Lovers~ | VOLUME ONE | Najimi Osana X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now