How do you feel?

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(PSA: I aint proof read shit)

*Andi Calls Fatima*

Andi: Hey girl

Fatima: Hey

Andi:Nope why you sound all types of dry, what's wrong

Fatima: Andi I just feel like me and Zac's relationship has to
much drama

Andi: I can agree on that but, if you love him like you say you do then y'all will be fine

Fatima: Andi I really don't know if this can work I mean it's only so much that a bitch can take and I'm at the end

Andi: Ti just call down and tell that nigga how you feel

Fatima: I don't wanna see him, talk to him, or even look at the nigga for that matter

Andi: Girl if you don't get off my phone with that bullshit

Fatima: How is it bull shit Andi

Andi: Cause Ti your thinking to much about this just talk to him and y'all goin work it out, and I'm pretty sure he don't even know why you got this lil funky ass attitude do he?

Fatima: I mean no but still Andi. At this point I might just break up with him

Andi: Fatima at this point you just talking

Fatima: No Andi I'm not it's just so drama like I ain't even have this much shit goin on with my last nigga

Andi: Girl he is literally going to the same college as you just so he can be with you

Fatima: Ok and I ain't make him do that. The nigga did it on is own free will

Andi:Fatima you are really pissing me off right now you got a good man right in front of your face and your to damn stubborn to see the shit

Fatima: I know he is a good man but what if she didn't get the abortion what if she kept it and it turned out to be his

Andi: You are focusing on the what if's you need to focus on the now be happy that y'all have a clean slate and move on and be with him

Fatima: I just need time to think about what I'm going to say to him and even if I want to move on with this relationship

Andi: Ti i'll leave you to your thoughts but please be rational about your decision ok

Fatima: I understand Andi, I love you

Andi: I love you too

*They end the phone call*

Family is just really conflicted about what she wants to do. Does she want to leave him? No. Is she hurt a little? Yes. She just want to make the right decision at the end of the day because at the end she just wants both of them to be happy in the long run. So she asks the only person in her life that she loves the most and will be very blunt. Her grandmother.

(LMAOO YALL THOUGHT YALL WAS GOIN SEE THE CONVO HELL NAW NIGGAAAAAA 😭 Just gotta read and see in the next chapter. I'm done)

jk i lied about being done

Zac's house

Zac: Jake I really don't know what to do she won't answer my calls text nothing

Jake: What about Andi did you ask her about Fatima

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