Sunday night (Chapter 2)

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Four punched without a warning as the man has fallen down 'What the fuck man!?, your weak!' The other man said angryly as he blowed a punch to Four but Four dodged

'Ehehehehhheheehh~' Dv looked at them smiling like an idiot while Four is beating up the two of them 'S-shit im sorry-'

Four continued beating them up with no mercy as a crowed is forming inside the bar 'Hey you should stop-'

Four punched the man behind him as the crowed became wild after Four punched the man 'HEY HE WAS JU-' He didn't made the other man finish as he punched him in the guts

'Zammmmmnn thfisz is ghood, i wHgannah jfoin!' Dv got up from his seat as he started to walk with a chair on his hands

'You FUCKING-' Dv slammed the chair ontop of the mans head as they became silence '...BEAT THEM TO DEATH!'

14 mens are attacking Dv and Four but Four dodges flawlessly while Dv hits them with the chair while in Four's protection

'Thiz is FUUUUUUN!' Dv said like a maniac as he started to laugh crazily as the others are now unconscious 'You did good, but you need to learn how to dodge'

Four smiled at Dv as he blushed with wide eyes 'O-oh...Tghank yhou Fohr' They heard a siren as Four grabbed Dv's hand as they ran at the back of the bar to escape,

After running for sometime they got to a park and they sat down on the bench tired

After running for sometime they got to a park and they sat down on the bench tired

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'Ugh my head..' Four said rubbing his head as Dv chuckled to himself 'Ehehehe. I hav fuhhnn thankz to you'

Dv looked at Four with a smile as Four looked at him 'Arent you drunk?' 'Arentg you tuoo?' Dv pointed at him as Four hummed

'Im gonna go to my apartment now' Four got up from the bench as Dv got up and pulled his hand 'Wa-waiht! What izzz ur apartmendft?'

Four looked at him for a second as he pulled his hand away from him 'Its Fheage apartment, 2nd floor, room number 4'

After what Four said, he started to walk away from Dv as he stands there seeing Four getting farer and farer

'... Oghhhh. He iz drungk' Dv said to himself mumbling 'I will whalk him hohme' He started to follow Four since he wants to make sure hes safe

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