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In a cold wooden forest in the Northern parts of Ukraine, 10 miles away from Chernobyl, 8 Russian PMCs make their way through the forests, clenching Kastov 74Us and Kastov 545s. Slowly, steadily, they keep their eyes peeled, remaining vigilant like robots out of the Terminator as they walk.

One looks behind them, double checking a spot they glanced at earlier and sees nothing. He looks back ahead, the other Russians looking around as they move. Little do they know, they're walking into a world of suffrage. As they take another step, everything goes sour as out in the open, claymores nearby detonate, killing 5 of them and leaving 3 left alive.


Russian PMC 2: "Есть ли поблизости враг?!"
(Is there a hostile nearby?!)

Russian PMC 3: "Я не вижу дерьмо Джека!"
(I can't see jack shit!)

As they look around, hoping to find a hostile nearby, a man behind a tree aims an M4 at the men before firing a shot with a suppressor silencing the shots. This begins confusing them even more as they try to find the shooter.


Russian PMC 2: "AGH!"

Russian PMC 3: "ЧТО БЛЯТЬ?!"


Russian PMC 3: "UGH!"

Collapsing to the ground, 2 of the Russians are taken out while last Russian looks around and starts backing away to flee. Then, he earns a bullet to the leg and falls onto the ground, grunting and groaning in pain.

The man from the tree lowers his M4, now standing up and sprinting toward the wounded Russian with his rifle hanging on a sling. Now sprinting, he grabs a hatchet from his pocket and twirls it around in his hands before stopping over the wounded PMC where he starts interrogating him, pointing the hatchet blade to the man's neck as he speaks in English.

???: "Do you speak English?"

Russian PMC: "FUCK OFF!"

???: "Listen to me. If you answer truthfully, I'll let you go. Where's your employer? Where's Makarov?"

Russian PMC: "Makarov?! He's--


A bullet strikes the Russian's head, killing him and making the man flicnh before letting go of his corpse and diving to cover behind a log.


???: "Bọn bắn tỉa chết tiệt...!"
(Fucking snipers...!)


A shot hits his cover spot, causing him to flinch once more. The man pats his pocket, grabbing a smoke grenade which he pulls the pin off and he throws it over his cover spot, using it to cover himself from the sniper's sights.

He starts crouching down, moving away from the log and goes behind a tree to the right, heading forward without the sniper knowing. The sniper fires a shot into the cloud of smoke, before firing another.

Making his way around, the mysterious man attacking the Russian contractors is now around and is behind the sniper. Making his way close, he then grabs his hatchet, now sprinting before throwing the hatchet down onto the sniper's back, making him grunt and shout in pain as he reaches for the small axe in his back.

With brute force, the man kneels, grips the hatchet and forcefully yanks it off, killing the sniper and at the same time...failing the mission he was tasked with. He grips his radio, letting out a sigh.

Kim: "Sir. This is Kim Nguyen, how copy?"

Employer: "Copy all. Did the Konni PMC surrender the location of Makarov, Kim?"

Looking at the sniper who was one of the Russians, he sees the patch on the man's shoulder, seeing that they're part of the Konni PMC.

Looking at the sniper who was one of the Russians, he sees the patch on the man's shoulder, seeing that they're part of the Konni PMC

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Kim: "Negative. I was just interrogating one, a sniper silenced him. Had to kill the sniper."

Employer: "Ah well... Better luck next time I guess... Your wages are cut. You're earning 500 dollars instead of 5000. Goodbye for now. Get out of there while you still can before more of those Russians chase your ass. Bye."

The mercenary, Kim, sighs before walking away from the grizzly sight of dead Russian mercs who worked for a man he was targeting. Making his way to a large bush, he pulls leaves off it to reveal that it's a jeep hidden underneath a bunch of leaves.

Kim steps inside, starts its engines and starts driving away from the sight where he makes his way out of Ukraine to head down to Western Europe. To Poland to catch a flight home to Japan after a mission flop.

To be continued...

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