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Taehyung drove to his office. The driver parked the car and Taehyung entered in to the office. Well ll arw afraid of him in office. Don't have any power to keep eyes with him. Through the staff hallway Tatha walked and enteres in his cabin. He sat down after putting his blazer on chair handle. The first thing he did that  he told his secretary to bring a cup of green tea with exact lemon honey flavour(my favorite).
He started to check some files. He have meeting in 20 minutes. He look through the presentation at that time a knock placed on the door of his cabin.
Tae: come in.
That person entered with peeking way and asked.
?? : Have time for me?
Tae looked at the person and spoke out.
Tae: Obviously I do have timetime for you yoongi hyung.
Yoongi entered sat down in the chair in front of Taehyung who started. To check the file again.
Yg: Tae, I have found Jimin.
Tae looked at him.
Tae : (raised a brow) really? Did you talk?
Yg: Talk. Hmmm(chuckled) he didn't even looked at me. He was there with a boy Named Park Minjun who is my son.
Tae: How are you sure? You said before you didn't touch him. The how?
Yg : actually I did, actually I forced him when I was drunk. When 1week ago I find out about Minjun I searched about their imfo and find out Jimin never went through any other relationship.
Tae: listen dude you just used him as your pleasure.you just remembered that you forced him. now you want him back it is all totally rubbish. Because I don't think he will come back. All over you send your people to bring him not you.
Yg: He wanted to meet and cleer up everything. What I will do .
Tae: Yoongi hyung You know very well I am not good at words. So do what your heart say. I cannot give you suggestions.
Yg : hmmm. Okay bye. I am going now. Take care.
Tae: hmm bye.
Yoongi came out of Kim corporation and sat inside his car. The driver started the car.
All the big building and trees are passing Yoongi is looking at it while thinking about only oner person Park Jimin.
Yes it is his fault. 2 years ago when His parents and Jimin's granda decided to marry them off. Yoongi didn't wanted to marry him because he never wanted to go through relationship or something like this. He was cold toward Jimin . After marriage Jimin was a ideal husband of Yoongi who cooks for him, care for him and wait for him at night and many things. Yoongi never thought he will be able love someone. But Jimin did. Yoongi strted to feel something for Jimin but he was too dumb to understand that.
On that night Yoongi went to a bar and got drunk.....
2years ago ; Daegu ;
Jimin is waiting for Yoongi. Today yoongi didn't came home in usual time. It's 2 pm Yoongi still not home. Jimin strted to doze off but suddenly hea heard a doorbell sound. He ran to open the door. It's Yoongi and the driver.
Jm: What happened to him .
D: Master is drunk. I take him home forcefully.
Jimin tell driver to lay him on couch. The driver did it and left. Jimin locked the door. He went tk kitchen and brought hangover soup. Yoongi is looking around like cat (well he is the real cat). Jimin sat down beside him and took a spoon of hangover soup. But suddenly Yoongi hold the hand and spoke out.
Yg: I don't want (cold voice).
Jm: it's a hangover soup nothing else.
Yg: I don't want.
Jm: sighed . Okay what do you want?
Yg: you.
Jm: w-what.
Yg: well what about I fuck you  will you mind?
Jm : what Yoongi you are not in right mind. You are drunk.
Yg: are you denying me?
Jm: Yoongi it's not like this. I -I don't want it now.
Yg: So you are not comfortable with me Jimin... SAY THAT LOUD... Yoongi screamed.
Jm is afraid he felt that weak  . But he don't want to do it now. In this state of Yoongi.
But Yoongi in not listening to him.
Yg: Let me show you whom you denied. Today I will fuck you , I will rip your ass apart. That you will always remember me. Jimin got afraid. He got up and was about to run but Yoongi was too fast to catch him and picked him up over his shoulder.
Jm: pl-please Yoongi don't do this.... Nooo no.... Please.
Yg: You might forgot me babé. Let me remind you.
Yoongi took Jimin inside their bedroom and locked the room.
Poor Jimin, all night he pleaded to Yoongi who lost his mind in pleasure. Just fucked him forcefully without listening to him  .
At the time 5 am Jimin is still awake. Whole body of his is paining for those rough touches of his own husband. He set up his mind he cannot stay with this demon person. He got up anyway limping and went inside the bathroom . He got freshen up. And picked up his clothes whatever he have as his nd left from there. Jimin went to Busan to his friend, Jungkook's house. Jimin didn't wanted to pressure his grandpa who is in his last days. He came to know about his pregnancy after 2 weeks. Jimin gave birth of Minjun and 5 months ago Jimin startes this wedding planner business. Jk also helped him but Jimin's hardwork made their dreamer flourish. Now after 5 months suddenly Yoongi showed up . He cannot just tell that he want them back. What he did to Jimin is n inhumanity. He raped his own husband without his will. He have to pay for it. Husband or wife are not a thing that you will use for your own but he or she is your soul mate who needs same respect and love.

To be continue.....

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