Chapter 2

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The first thing I noticed about the room was that it was nearly all grey or black. The only spot of colour in that otherwise bland room was the white table that two people were already seated at. Shakily, I sat down on the chair at the table, facing the two people who I assumed were cops.

“Hello Sasha,” one of them began. “My name is Detective Potts and this is Detective Hammon. We’d like to have a few words with you about what happened the night of your friends murder.”

“Could you please tell us exactly what happened that night,” Detective Hammon asked gently. I nodded, gulping back my tears.

“Well, I was out at the supermarket, looking for all the things that my roommate was making me buy for her. The list was of a fairly decent length, with all the things that you wouldn’t normally expect a supermarket to keep in stock, whether it’s out on display or packed away in a storage room.

Spying the spice isle, I went into it, hoping that it would have the tea that I was looking for.

“Saffron tea, peppermint tea, lemon tea,” I murmured quietly, praying that I would find the exotic beverage. “Coconut, ginger, lemon and ginger, lemon and ginger with a saffron infusion!” I cried out in triumph. “Finally, I found it!” Passers-by were looking at me in varying degrees of confusion and looks that told me they thought I was crazy. ‘Oh well, who cares what they think anyway?’ I thought sullenly. Suddenly, my phone started blaring out ‘Popcorn’ signalling that Polly was calling me.

 “Miss, please stick to the story,” Detective Hammon interrupted me.

“Of course, sorry,” I said. ““Hey Polly, what’s up?” I answered casually once I’d opened the phone.

“Listen, there’s something I have to tell you,” she whispered into the phone, as if she was scared someone was going to hear her.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“You know how Daniel and I broke up last week? Well he’s been sending me these really weird messages, and just now he texted me saying that if he couldn’t have me, no-one could. I’m scared Sasha. I’m really scared,” Polly sobbed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get home as soon as I can,” I said before I hung up and dropped the box of tea that I was holding into the bag. I had to wait in line and buy all the shopping before I could go to her. Maybe if I’d been a bit faster, she’d still be alive. I hurriedly ran to my car in the parking lot and drove through all the back streets, trying to get to my friend as fast as possible. I parked in front of our apartment building and ran inside, using my key to unlock the flat door. I ran in, expecting to find her curled up on the couch with a tub of ice cream while she watched some sad rom-com. But the sight that met me was far worse than that.

The body of my best friend was just lying there on the floor, tossed away carelessly, and discarded as if she was nothing more than a crumpled tissue. I didn’t want to believe it, so I sat with her, holding her hand until all the warmth ran from her body. It was then that I called the police,” I sobbed, the tears flowing freely down my face. I had lost the ability to not cry when I mentioned her name.

“Miss, you say that the victim had been getting some weird messages from her ex-boyfriend. Could you please tell us who that is?” Detective Potts questioned.

“H-his name is Daniel Barres,” I choked out. “He lives at 47 Redin Court.”

“Could you tell us why the victim was scared of Mr Barres?”

“Well, she’d been getting some really weird messages from him, saying stuff like ‘You will be mine’ and ‘I will always belong to you’ and stuff like that. That night was the first time that he actually threatened her,” I said. Detective Hammon wrote something down before he stood up.

“Thank you very much for your time Miss Molloney,” he said. “We’re very sorry for your loss and we’ll keep you informed on how the investigation goes.”

“Wait!” I cried. “I want to help you.”

“What?” Detective Potts asked in disbelief. “I’m very sorry ma’am, but we can’t let civilians help us with a case, especially one where you are so emotionally attached to it.”

“Please, I can help,” I pleaded.

Detective Hammond took a large breath before he sighed, “Miss, I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t work. We’re very sorry for your loss, but until we find a lead, I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do to help.”

I sniffed. “Of course,” I said as calmly as I could. “It was silly of me to offer.”


Hey everyone! I decided to update today because I wrote this yesterday. I'm in a really bitchy mood today and I'm at school right now sitting down in the corridor and the guy next to me somehow knows about me breaking up with this guy and he won't tell me how!!! It's fudging annoying!!! 

Anyways, remember to vote, comment and fan me if you want more of the story!!!

I think I'll wait until 5 votes and 2 comments until I upload again.

Love you all!!!


P.S. I noticed this story has 12 reads and only 2 people have voted on it, so remeber to vote as well as read. Don't be a silent reader!!!

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