Chapter 1

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I hid in the corner of a large box, hoping that the flimsy pieces of cardboard would be enough to hide me from him. A low chuckle filled the room and I could hear his feet shuffling around on the floor, searching for me, waiting for his next victim to be revealed.

“Come on Sasha, you know that there’s nowhere to hide,” his mocking voice echoed around the empty space between the four walls containing me. “You’ll never escape me! I’ll slit your throat just like I did with your little friend. Pauline, wasn’t it?”

‘Her name was Polly!’ I screamed in my head.

“Yes, she was one of my worst killings. Normally they fight back, try to prevent me from touching them. That or they hide like you,” he sneered. “But her, she didn’t even try to stop me! I guess she was just too pathetic to live in this world anyway.”

“Don’t you ever say those things about her!” I screamed angrily at him. My heart stopped as I realized what I had just done. The man’s shoes squeaked on the polished floor as he stalked towards me. Suddenly, the lid of the box I was in was torn open, leaving me to the sight of my killer’s cold, black eyes.

“There you are,” he smirked, raising his arm high into the air. All of a sudden, he swung it down directly at my heart. I saw a flash of silver and realised that this man’s merciless eyes were the last I was ever going to see…

Gasping for air, I shot up in my bed, the nightmare I had just created still taunting my mind with images of that man’s cold eyes.

‘Well, there’s no point trying to go back to sleep now,’ I thought wearily. Quickly, I stole a glance at the clock on my bedside table.

5:25!’ I exclaimed in my head. ‘Who on Earth wakes up this early?’  Groaning mentally, I dragged myself out of bed and over to my kitchen. I grabbed my phone and looked through my contacts. ‘I’ll call Polly,’ I thought, not realising in my sleep deprived state the Polly was dead. Finally, something in my mind clicked just as I was going to call her. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered that faithful night.

 ‘No, bad Sasha!’ I scolded myself. ‘Don’t cry for her. You know she wouldn’t want it. DON’T CRY!!’ But it was too late. The salty tears were already running down my face as my mind replayed the scene I’d been desperately trying to avoid. Everything about that night was shown over and over again in my head.


I’d been out buying fruit at the local supermarket when she had called me. Polly sounded worried about a man, her ex-boyfriend to be exact. She said he’d called her earlier, saying that if he couldn’t have her no one could. I said I’d be right there before I hung up. The lines at the checkouts seemed so long, and it took ages for me to get out of there. I rushed as fast as I could over to her apartment, but it was too late. Far too late.

When I had unlocked the door, I walked into her living room, expecting her to be watching a movie or something. But the sight that greeted me instead was one of her lying on the living room table, dried blood on her clothes. She was still warm. I stayed there, unmoving, hoping that it was just a practical joke and that she would jump up and laugh at me. But that never happened. Instead, the warmth from her body faded, leaving her hands icy cold. As I stood up, I must’ve pulled too hard on her hand, and her body fell to the ground. It was then that I called the police.

~~~Flashback over~~~

The investigation was starting today. The police told me that they would do everything to find the man that killed her. Unfortunately, that meant they had to question me. I wasn’t ready to do that. I wasn’t ready to talk about what happened to her so soon. Normally, the police would’ve called her family to tell them what had happened and I wouldn’t be the only one grieving, but that wasn’t the case for this time. Polly was an orphan. I was the closest thing she had to family, and the loss of her hit me hard. Like a slap in the face.

“Miss Molloney?” a voice called, snapping me out of the trance I was in.

“Yes, that’s me,” I replied as I stood up out of the uncomfortable plastic chair that was in the waiting room at the police station.

“Could you please come in? We’re ready to question you now,” the cop said before turning on his heel, leaving me alone.

‘Well, this is it,’ I thought glumly. I took a deep breath before walking into the interrogation room.


Hey there everyone!! So I decided to update now even though you didn't reach my goal. So i thought we'd try that one again before I update.

So how's everyone's life going? I just want to know if you guys are liking the story so far. 

Remember, vote, comment, fan!!



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