Only Chapter

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The night sky was aglow with bright city lights, the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky, the land was gently illuminated by the moonlight, giving it an ethereal glow.

I look up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity, hugging the fluffy old pink bunny plush, gripping two necklaces in my hands.
Shes gone. Tenma Saki.

The flashing red and blue lights, the siren of the ambulance. Everything happened so fast, I didn't know what to do, I could only scream my lungs out and repeat her name over and over again while shaking her lifeless body, my vision was blurry, I wanted to rip my throat out. Despair filled me with every struggling gulp.

I looked at the empty spot next to me, misery was written all over my face.

(Flashback start)

That night I sat with my sister, Saki at the edge of the cliff, watching the stars in the deep dark sky. She turned to me, her eyes sparkled as she smiled, radiating warmth and kindness.

"Onii-chan, you are one of the stars!" She chirped in a singsong voice.

My eyes lit up, those words made me realize that in the sky, there is only one moon, only one sun, but there are countless stars, I am one of them. The awkward universe, the stars shine, it is reasonable to say that I am hard to attract attention, I am so small, so small, so small that even I feel sad. I am so ordinary to me from my own can not find any other places different from other stars.

I turned to give her a mirthful smile and replied "You are the brightest star up there, Saki!"

Her giggles lightened up my heart. She then stiffled a yawn and laid her head on my lap. Suddenly her eyes glistened with tears.

My eyes widened. "Eh?! Saki? What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"It's my last night."

Those words made my heart start palpitating, cold sweat rolled down my spine. "W-What do you mean...? Saki, this isn't funny!"

Saki's cries escalated to loud uncontrollable wails. "I'm not joking around!" She cried so hard that her body shook, her tears due to sorrow falling like a waterfall.

My heart broke, I sobbed into my hands with a strangled scream, my shoulders trembling. " can't be right? Saki, they can save you!"

Saki shook her head and wiped my tears with her cold, chubby hands. "As long as I'm with you, death doesn't seem that scary anymore! Please... promise me...promise that even if I'm not here anymore you will try your best in every show you do and live on happily, I don't want my death to affect you too much!" She cried.

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, my tears due to sorrow, leaving a trail of moisture on my skin. I whispered "Saki, in another universe, maybe we would be together, maybe we will reincarnate and be together happily, healthily in another life!" I could only stare at her watery pink eyes as my heart somersaulted.

Saki choked out between sobs, her body was getting weaker, she was numb with exhaustion, her sombre look replaced by a radiant smile. Her last smile. "I don't want" She muttered.

She smiled gleefully and stretched out both hands, wrapping my right hand with her two hands. " happily...I love you oni-chan..." she said her last words and slowly closed her eyes.

"SAKI!" I hollered so loudly that it echoed. I shaked her body. I was inconsolable and could not come to terms with what had happened, all I could think was my sister. I stared at her with bloodshot eyes as I grabbed my phone and dialed the hospital.

<"Please...Please! Save my sister-!">

I panicked and blurt out everything that happened to the person on the phone, hoping they will send a ambulance as soon as possible.

After couple of minutes, the ambulance arrived, red and blue lights flashing brightly and the siren was so loud. A whole crowd gathered around the area. There was so much noise that I could hardly hear myself think. I was screaming her name repeatedly, however, sounds of my voice was immediately drowned out by the loud chatter and the raucous sirens.

I stared blearily at the people carrying Saki into the ambulance, not quite absorbing what was going on. Regret was etched deeply into my face, I hung my head in mortification. It's my fault. I wish I could live through every memory again with Saki, I should've spent more time with her, why didn't she tell me sooner...

I suddenly came to my senses and dashed towards Saki on the stretcher. "Is my sister okay?!?" I shrieked.

The ambulance left with Saki after a while and the crowd slowly disappeared. I picked up Saki's bag and looked through it, I found the bunny plushie I gave her when we were kids and the matching necklace we made together while she was in the hospital. My tears dripped onto the plushie. I picked the items up and roared in agony, I've lost my sister.

I let out a gut-wrenching wail, my tears due to sorrow falling like rain as I collapsed to the soft green grass. I hugged the bunny plush and held the 2 necklace in my hand.

(Flashback end)

My thoughts broke when a tall male with short bicolored hair, the right side a dark blue, the left a light blue sat beside me. brother I'm so sorry for your loss. It's my fault for not taking good care of her.

He glanced at me with his sharp grey eyes. His eyes were also brimmed with tears, a look of abject misery crossed his face.

I laid my head on his shoulder, I was trembling, the air was cold, I was extremely exhausted from all those crying and screaming, I could not accept that my sister was gone, I loved her.

The whole Leo/Need plus Shizuku came rushing, all in their pajamas, all looking worried and sobbing heartbreakingly, their tears of sadness falling like a shower as they sobbed.

All of us scooted to the nearby train station and managed to board the last train to the hospital Saki is at.

I was the first one to walk into Saki's hospital room, it was white and clean, I looked at Saki's lifeless body, I bursted into tears again and let out a bloodcurdling scream.

I gently placed my hand on Saki's blanket near her heart.

"In another life, in another universe we will be together, Saki."

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