Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    Wen Zhiwen knew that Yu Huaiyan had a younger sister.

    When chatting with Xie Shuying, she knew Yu Jin's age and learning experience, but she didn't know what Yu Jin looked like or what his personality was.

    Wen Zhiwen also went to ask Yu Huaiyan: "How is Xiao Jin's personality? Is it easy to get along with?"

    Yu Huaiyan thought for a while, and replied: "It's okay."

    What kind of answer is this? Saying is tantamount to not saying, Wen Zhiwen was a little speechless.

    Yu Huaiyan is also very innocent, he and Yu Jin are six years apart, he is already sensible, and Yu Jin is still a baby.

    In addition, he went abroad to study and was busy starting a business after returning to China, so when he grew up, the two brothers and sisters really didn't get along for a long time.

    He also couldn't describe Yu Jin's character at this time.

    But as far as the younger sister is concerned, Yu Huaiyan feels that there is nothing wrong with Yu Jin.

    Wen Zhiwen was not curious about this question for too long, because that afternoon, Yu Jin came to the hotel where they were staying.

    There was another girl named Bai Qiaoqiao who came with Yu Jin.

    Yu Jin is very beautiful, her appearance should be inherited from Xie Shuying, but her temperament is rather cold.

    When she is not talking, she looks like a cold beauty.

    The girl named Bai Qiaoqiao who came with her was also good-looking, but she looked feminine.

    The corners of the mouth are slightly curved upwards, and there is always a soft smile on his face.

    Yu Jin respects Huai Yan, the second elder brother.

    Seeing him, he straightened his expression immediately, and called out respectfully: "Second brother."

    Yu Huaiyan nodded, pointed to Wen Zhiwen next to him, and said, "This is your sister-in-law."

    Yu Jin then looked at Wen Zhiwen, The line of sight suddenly paused.

    She really didn't expect that her second sister-in-law would be so young and look so good.

    Yu Huaiyan got married very suddenly, and Yu Jin, who was far away abroad, received the news even later.

    At this time, international long-distance calls were quite inconvenient, and Yu Jin knew about it from the letter Xie Shuying wrote to her. Yu Jin remembered that her second sister-in-law seemed to be one year younger than herself.

    But since Wen Zhiwen is already married to her second brother, she still has to call her sister-in-law, so she said, "Second sister-in-law."

    Wen Zhiwen responded with a smile: "Hi Xiaojin."

    Yu Jin heard Wen Zhiwen call her that , I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart, and didn't speak for a while.

    It wasn't until Bai Qiaoqiao who was next to her nudged her that Yu Jin came back to his senses and continued to say, "This is my friend Bai Qiaoqiao. She came here with me.

    " Friends came over and had no opinion.

    Anyway, he asked Yu Jin to come over to accompany Wen Zhiwen. It would be nice if there was an extra girl, they might have something to talk about.

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