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(American Court Room 1954)

Tony gulped as the officer turned the key on his chain. He was being freed. But even more than that...Tony Krane was becoming a Patton today.

"You realize you're getting a big break—right, kid?" Tony started to shake in his boots as the officer looked him in the eye.

Tony didn't know what to say. Hours ago, he'd had the charges of attempted murder dropped from his life. How he'd gotten in the situation in the first place, made him so mad. He still didn't really understand. He was twelve. His father had dragged him into this. He should have been the one facing all these trials and courts. Instead, here Tony was. Once again, he was being affected by the sins of his father.

Just when Tony was going to try to explain what he couldn't, a strong hand came on his shoulder. Jonah Patton. His angel. His saving grace. The sheriff from Washington who he'd only met yesterday. Joe intimidated Tony. But he knew that he needed him."I wouldn't call living with a sheriff and his family a 'break', Gabe. Tony is going to be under supervision constantly."

Chills went up and down Tony's back as what Joe was saying sank in. Joe had a point. There would be no freedom. And Tony was used to a lot of that...being that his father had never been around, except when needing money, or to offer abuse.

The officer grumbled something before leaving. And then, it was Joe and Tony in the room...alone. Tony wasn't sure what to say or do in the presence of a man. Thankfully, Joe spoke first. "Well young Tony, how do you feel about getting out of here and taking a train back to Seabrooke?"

Tony waited and swallowed. " I get your name?"

A playful, knowing grin came across the man's face. "You already have it, Boy."

Tony nodded. "Um...Mr. Patton?" he finally asked.

But Joe effortlessly turned Tony around so that he was facing him and looking him in the eye. His brown eyes weren't angry. But they were intent. "Tony, I know that in court, we had to be a little tough. But I didn't just do this to give you a break. My wife and I feel that God has called us to adopt you into our family. That being the case, you are welcome to call me 'Mr. Patton'. But you'd be even more welcome, and encouraged, to call me your pa, and my wife your ma. You're being welcomed into this family."

Tony breathed. Family. That was a word he didn't feel like he understood very much. "I can't call another woman 'ma'."

He felt Joe look him up and down. How would he respond? Would he demand that Tony treat Martha as his biological mother...which he couldn't do? Would he slap him across the face like Thomas Krane would have if he had said such a thing? The pause of suspense that took place was awful.

"Mrs. Patton has heard about everything that's happened to you, Tony. And this is as much her decision as it is mine. Now, I understand you were close to your ma. And you'll need room to grieve. Mrs. Patton will understand that, too." Tony subconsciously breathed in relief. He hadn't expected an answer where the man would converse about the real worry he was having.

"Why can't I see her?" The question came from heartbreak. I did it all to protect her...can't anyone see that?

Joe knelt near him. And Tony knew. The man saw him. His voice became soft. "This isn't a punishment, Boy. This is the best thing for you and your mama. Your pa is on the loose, Tony. If he hears you're being sent back to your ma...or even that you went to juvie, he'd come after you. And he'd use you to get to her money. I know that this is far from easy. But you are a pretty smart and mature young man. So I think you and I both know that it's also right."

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