Chapter One, Part One Continued

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Tony looked at Joe quizzically. "Where was God for my ma, when my pa treated her so wrong?" He breathed in, surprised at his own question. Why had he done that? A part of him knew though, that whatever he asked this man, he would not be unkind to him.

Joe sat towards the edge of his rocker with his legs widened. Tony knew he was getting the sheriff's full attention. "It's true that God made men the heads of their families. It's also true that God holds men accountable for how they handle that responsibility. Your ma is assigned a security man around the clock right now, Tony. No one is going to hurt her."

Tony squinted, not convinced. "When I called her on the telephone, she didn't say anyone was with her."

Joe nodded. "She's been asked not to mention it. Mafia has been known to tap telephone wires. With your pa on the run with no money, he's going to be looking for a source if it. As you told the court, your ma has been that source. If he thinks she's alone, he'll come to her. He might not, but if he does, it might prove a safe way to try to get him."

Tony felt tears threaten to pour from his eyes. "She's being used to catch him?"

Joe shook his head. "No Son. She was offered a place and job to keep her from harm. But she said she wanted it this way. She wants to be a part of seeing justice done. She didn't want the security, but the court insisted."

Tony knew a prideful grin was crossing him lips. "That's right, she didn't want help. My ma is a strong woman. And I'd do anything to be like that."

Joe placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Tony, I see a lot of solid strength in you. Remember though—the strongest man is the one that can be taught. Your pa rejects that notion, and it's why he is where he is. I know you'll be different than that. But it's okay to be a boy before becoming a man. Men who were never boys struggle with a lot of stress and worry."

Tony thought about what the sheriff was saying. It had been a long time since he had played games or gotten together with other boy. It had also been a long time since he'd thought about it. Joe seemed to read his mind with what he said next. "Of course, having friends around your age would help—other boys who don't carry the world on their shoulders."

"I don't need an easy life, Sir. And I don't want one." Tony surprised himself by his his voice echoed, a slap at the world of kindness he was experiencing. He reddened slightly. "Not to sound rude..."

Joe grinned. "Son, don't ever think that it's somehow 'rude' to shoulder responsibility around here." The sheriff spoke a little softer next as he pointed to Tony. "May—that is, your Patton ma, put out school clothes for you tomorrow on your bed. I'll drive you in. Afterwards, you'll come home with Ashley and work the ranch with me after my meeting."

Tony lifted a brow. "I can find my own way to and from school, Sir."

"M-hm. I have no doubt. But you'll remember that the deal is you will be supervised at all times." Joe answered evenly and calmly.

"I ain't gonna bide that all the time, Mr. Patton. I'm sort of what you might call an independent bird." He was met almost instantly with Joe squinting.

"I know tain't easy, Son. As you say, you're used to roaming about. But remember that Thomas is out looking for you. And Boy, he wants to hurt you." Tony gulped as a shiver grasped his spine. Joe was right.

"I can take him on, Mr. Patton..." Tony began, only to see his adoptive father shake his head.

"No, Tony. You cannot. A man like Thomas won't stop with beating you once he's angry and has you. There's a reason your ma was assigned security."

Tony itched his arm as the hair on it stood on edge. "I can't...feel trapped, Mr. Patton. I'm used to being my own man." The confession came with a certain boldness, and he keenly felt Joe gently sizing him up.

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