Chapter Two: The New Boy

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"Here we are, Tony." Tony's frame rocked forward as the vehicle stopped with Joe's statement at the school.

Tony swallowed. "I'm not ready for this." He breathed, shaking. And he scolded himself inwardly for not having the control to keep from saying it.

He felt Joe's hand coming on him. "You don't have to be, Tony. You can wait if that's what you want to do." Joe's pause lasted only a moment before he continued. "But I know that isn't who you are, or what you're going to do. You're going to face it, and learn your new name on your feet."

Tony turned to look at Joe with sad eyes. "Am I supposed to just forget who I am, Mr. Patton? Deny all of it?"

Joe grinned as he shook his head. "You carry with you your mind, experience, and hope...wherever you go, Boy. And just so you know, you already have friends here." He leaned forward. "I'm working close to the school today. If you need to step away from it all, tell Ashley and she will give me a call. You will not be seen as a coward. I will come at a moment's notice. You are under the Patton name, and will be protected as such. For now, if you care to know, Mrs. Patton put a nice lunch in here for you...and if my nose didn't lie, there are mouth-watering chocolate chip cookies in there." Tony swallowed as Joe passed him the brown paper bag with bulges where what he supposed to be delicious food, was packed carefully.

Tony looked at Joe. "Why are you really doin' this?"

Joe winked. "I told you our family serves the Lord. The Lord spoke to us about you, and said that you are one of us. And Tony, I'm awfully glad. Now, you go in there, and conduct yourself with the honor of your character, and at the day's end you'll come straight home with Ashley. Don't travel the roads yourself for any reason, or you'll have me to answer to—as your pa. Understood?"

Tony considered the words Joe spoke. He knew that Joe was worried for him. He could not remember the last time Thomas had displayed worry for his son. And it shook him that Joe would show it. "I get it, Mr. you." It was the only think he could think to say.

Joe nodded as he and Tony left the vehicle to walk to the doors. Tony gulped as he looked around, trying to see if anyone was watching. A shiver made its way up his spine as he saw two other boys looking on. "Well Tim and Matt. Good mornin'." Tony was learning that his new parent had a voice that both boomed and was somehow gentle, too. The two boys nodded.

"Mornin', Sheriff."

Joe raised a brow. "You two skippin' school today, or do you have a reason to be standing out here twenty minutes after class began?"

"Miss Ashley sent us out here to welcome Tony. She said he should be here about now."

Tony was amused at the grin that spread over Joe's features. "She did, did she?" He leaned forward to whisper to Tony loudly enough that the other boys could hear him. "My daughter is very good with time. So I guess we'd best not disappoint!"

Tony nodded. "Thanks fellas. Nice to meet you."

Joe's hand came upon Tony's shoulder another second as he turned. "Alright, Son. I'll see you later. Have a good, and even fun, day."

As Joe walked out the door, Tony had the strangest feeling. He had never panicked when Thomas had treated him poorly. He expected it, and thought more of how Melinda was than himself. But as Joe walked away, Tony was gripped with terror. Maybe his life back in Oregon was awful—but at least he knew it. This place, town, and people...were a complete new start. The room spun around him as Tony tried to ground himself in the reality of being in a school hallway on his way to the first class. Thankfully, the other boys did not seem to catch wind of how he was feeling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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