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In my life I have read dozens of novels and watched dozens of movies. All having one common denominator: In each and every tale, love was the centre of everything.

All of these stories giving you an unrealistic and perfect idea of love. How it can be so all consuming that you would literally give anything to that one person that succeeded to capture your heart. That all of it will be worth it in the end. Because love is supposed to be the biggest price of all.

One more thing all of these books and movies have in common. They are fiction. A fairy tale. The idea of finding some handsome men who will shove you off of your feet and will make you believe in true love. All fake. All a lie.
I have dreamt of it. I mean, of course I have. The idea that there is someone in the world for you, someone who will make you feel so very special. A soulmate.

But long ago I have let go of those foolish and pathetic hopes and dreams. The only men that I have ever found in my life are the ones at a party who you fuck with for one time. The sneaking out through the window in the middle of the night. That is reality, sad, but true. That is all it is ever going to be.

The kind of passion and affection that you find in such stories are exactly that; a story.

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