All Might's Student and Entrance Exam.

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It had been a couple days since he befriended Darkrai, as well as reunited with Izuku and Katsuki, who he hung out with sometimes after they finished school.

Though today Akane had a meeting, someone wanted to meet him for some reason, apparently they would be getting a new teacher at UA and they wanted to meet him. He wasn't sure why though.

Akane arrived at the meeting room, he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Akane heard the voice of Nezu

Akane opened the door revealing Nezu, and a very skinny blond man. Both Nezu and the blond man sat on the same side. Akane went and sat down as well across from them.

"Thank you for coming Akane, I know it was a bit of short notice." Nezu said to Akane.

"No problem, I just finished training, so it's all fine." Akane told Nezu with a smile.

"I see, I hope training is going good as well as your studies, after all I won't show any favoritism on the written test!" Nezu said to Akane, who nodded, already knowing that. "Anyhow, I want you to meet Yagi Toshinori." Nezu said, pointing to the blond man.

"It's nice to finally meet you Young Akane, I've heard a lot about you from the other teachers." Yagi said to Akane.

"Nice to meet you as well! I hope we can get along." Akane said to Yagi.

"I hope so too, I wish we could have met earlier. I watched your fight against class 2-A. It was a splendid fight." Yagi said to Akane.

Akane laughed a bit, "Yeah it was fun, though I lost against them. I'm gonna get my revenge against them one day though!" Akane said as he smiled.

"I see, I look forward to witnessing that fight, I'm sure it will be even more amazing then the first one." Yagi said to Akane who nodded.

"We should move on from this small talk, you're most likely wondering why we would call you to come meet him here, it must seem a bit strange to you." Nezu said to Akane.

"It did seem a bit strange, but I figured if it wasn't for something important you wouldn't have told me." Akane said to Nezu.

Nezu smiled, "You are correct! It is important! It's something we wanted to mention to you since you live at UA and we, the teachers of UA, trust you. It's kind of hard to explain, so if you would..." Nezu said as he looked at Yagi.

Akane was happy to hear that everyone at UA trusted him, but he was still confused.

Yagi nodded as he stood up, in an instant he transformed and muscled up, Akane had seen him before on TV and in videos as well as all over Izuku's room.

"All Might?!" Akane said surprised, this was the last thing he was expecting.

"Yes! Young Akane, it is I, All Might! I have come here-" before he could finish talking, he poof backed into his skinny form and spat out a bit of blood. "Ah.. seems like my time ran out.." he said as he whipped the blood.

Akane was confused even more now, "Can.. I please get an explanation of some type..?" Akane asked.

Yagi cleared his throat, "as I was saying, I have come to introduce myself to you, Nezu as well as the rest of UA staff agreed that it would be wise to do so, since you live here and all, you may have found out at one point or another by mistake. This is my true form, due to an injured sustain from a villain some years ago, I can only maintain my muscle form for around three hours at most, that is why seeing as you may see me after school when you do start attending, we thought it'd be wise to tell you now instead of trying to hide it." Yagi told him.

Akane wasn't sure what to say, he had a lot of questions, he wondered what Izuku would do in this situation. He wasn't sure if this was even real or not. "If i'm being honest, I'm still not sure if this is real, so give me one second..." Akane said, as he put his hand out, calling out Pikachu. "Thunderbolt." Akane asked.

"CHUU!!!" Pikachu said as it used the move.

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