episode 4 - you have broke me

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Swara look toward sanskar hearing him she has always loved him only him and now also only him and here he don't even have little bit also trust left inside his heart for her that today he is blaming her for that which she didn't even thought of in her bad dreams also sanskar hold swara's arm in tight fist pulling her deadly close leaving no gap between both of them swara looks on without uttering anything although she has many things to say him but she didn't want to create any scene over college which will lead her in more problem sanskar look toward swara
Sanskar - what happened to your mouth now because some month ago you didn't able to make yourself silent for a minute too you have blame me for all the things which I have not even done now what happened today miss swara bose
Swara - sir please leave me this is college not your home nor mine and not even this is your private property I have come here for study so let me do that please
Sanskar - then let's do this also mrs swara sanskar maheswari you have so much attitude in you na let me break it now in my way just wait and watch now what what i am gonna do with your this attitude because I know how to crush it
Swara - not even this you know how to break so many things just like you have break our relationship on phone so easily without thinking about anything
Sanskar - really but don't you think breaking something has start from you not from me you have broke my swear which I have given you over my life did you forget what did I said that day if you try to go back to that family then I'll kill myself did you keep my words no you don't because you really don't care about me you only care about yourself
Swara - i hundred of times said sanskar whatever I have done it's only for you i didn't did anything for myself you were hurt heartbroken devastated shattered when all accused you for that crime which you haven't done and I done what I feel good what my heart said me to do that time because I was unable to see you like that and you didn't understand that
Sanskar - how should I understand you swara when you are this much expert in lying with me only not about this only you didn't even care when you have broke me I told you not to go I told you stop I literally begg infront of you I even ask forgiveness from you for my mistake did you care about me that day you have gone breaking me making me lifeless a body without soul that also doesn't affect you right miss swara bose (swara look toward sanskar gulping down her saliva and tears) you only do what you want you bloody don't care about anyone rather than yourself and I have seen that now whatever happened you haven't done for family not for me you have done for your selfish motives
Swara - enough sanskar stop right now what the he'll your talking Haan what selfish motives to prove your innocence that was mine selfish motive your thinking get cheap and vile and I can't do anything with this
Sanskar - what's new in this mrs swara sanskar maheswari for you i am cheap and vile only tell me something new which I don't know that you think about me haan this all I know very well
Swara - I don't want to talk about this and that too with you moreover you don't have to worry about this matter uttara is important for me also I will do anything for her and her happiness if she wants her bhabhi should be near her then that will happened for that I don't need to do drama like you I love her and I know what to do and what not
Sanskar - that's great I am really surprised that you remember that your my sister's bhabhi I thought you totally forgot about all the relationship which is connected with me for you
Swara - nor I forget any relationship of mine nor I forget who are you to me may be you don't think me your anything but for me your still my husband and you will be always you may think that I don't love you anymore that's why I am behaving like this but I have only loved you unconditionally in my life and this truth can't be hidden mr sanskar maheswari may be you are thinking has make you insane that your unable to see anything now so don't blame me for that ok
Sanskar - acha you and love me how come when you don't even care about my swear how that girl can love me for whom my swear don't matters
Swara - then what about you sanskar you claim to love me na then what made you break our relationship this much easily on phone without listening to me I told you not to do anything but you didn't listen to me and picked stone to hit your own brother for killing him arey when you can kill your own brother then how can I believe that person haan (sanskar fist his hand tighten his grip on swara's arm who look toward him angrily) sanskar maheswari leave me otherwise I am gonna create scene here shouting
Sanskar - common you can't do that I very well know about that so you better don't make me scared with your unharmed warning mrs swara sanskar maheswari you can't do this because that much you don't even have dare so you better don't give me this stupid warnings
Swara - sanskar I said i will come at uttara's wedding now what you want from me leave me all gonna come back in room in sometime because break time is already over what the hell your doing
Sanskar - what I am doing don't you know did I need to tell you what I am doing and in which right I am doing this with you mrs swara sanskar maheswari how easily you changed your name in admission form na (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) what your looking ohh you must be thinking how I know about your name changing thing so let me tell you this property is mine where your standing including you so I guess you can't do anything against me and my wish I buy this whole college taking over on this college project
Swara - for taking Revenge from me you fall this much low sanskar that you buy this college property do you think everything is game for you
Sanskar - don't you dare swara don't you dare to repeat yourself don't give importance to yourself this much that you won't be having any words to say something after that I didn't come behind you because I don't even knowing where the hell are you in this month I come here on saying of bade papa but I don't knowing I will have to face you
Swara - again one more lie do you think our life is any drama show sanskar that coincidencely we will come face to face of each other and you will not knowing anything about me I know you have done this for taking revenge from me because you can do that your anger issue can make you do anything mr maheswari like previously giving me punishment was your aims rather than searching your own brother that way only now your giving me bade papa name for taking your revenge on me
Sanskar - why don't you asked this from your own sister she may tell you what's truth and what's not because trusting me is only one thing which you can't do in your whole life mrs maheswari
Swara - Sanskar leave me I seriously don't wanna create drama here because of your stubbornness of revenge I have come here for study not listening your taunting and tolerating your anger
Sanskar - that you have to miss swara bose because you don't have any other option I have not left any other option for you rather than bearing me I own everything including you (swara look toward sanskar hearing him try to push him) not that easily mrs swara sanskar maheswari how you think that you can get away from me this time
Swara - sanskar stop this all what the hell you want haan what should I do now if you owns this place that doesn't mean you will control me you can't
Sanskar - you think so mrs swara sanskar maheswari but I think I can control you how I want do you really wanna see that tell me I will show you
Swara - sanskar maheswari if you are done with giving me warnings then leave me I have to go library before anyone come and see us like this creating any blunder over here so leave me it will be good for you also and your image too because your professor over here and I am your student leave me
Sanskar - that I will decide what you are to me and what not when sanskar maheswari has owned this place only then he can do anything with anyone and none can stop him (swara close her eyes controlling her temper ) what happened getting angry why your controlling yourself just say it whatever you want on my face which is your all time favourite work mrs swara sanskar maheswari
Swara - you don't have to tell me what should I do and what not because I don't give damn about your so called opinion I will do what is right and what my heart will feel right I am not like you
Sanskar - and you can't even be like me because that much capabilities you don't even have in you miss swara bose which girl don't care about her own husband's given swear then what she will think about anyone's feelings you have broke me and now it's my turn get ready for that mrs swara sanskar maheswari you will now understand what I have gone through (swara look toward sanskar hearing him she look down fisting her hand to her dress tightly she push sanskar hearing foot steps and go back to her seat silently open her book and seat reading it just then all students come inside sanskar lean on wall near door looking toward swara just then nikhil come he look toward swara go near him hold her hand who look toward him )
Nikhil - what did you think about yourself haan because of you that professor give me punishment and you think nikhil agrawal will let you go this much easily miss bookworm you will pay for this for sure and that too my way you have so much attitude in you na so let me break it now ( sanskar look toward nikhil and his hand which is on swara's elbow he can sense he had hold her in tight grip he fist his hand look toward swara who also look toward him slowly)
Swara - nikhil leave my hand whatever you want to talk with me talk staying away from me (try to remove his hand from her elbow but nikhil didn't leave swara he tighten his grip digging his nails in her soft skin) ahh nikhil your hurting me leave my hand (hearing swara sanskar look toward her he come forward all students seat on there respective seat silently sanskar come near nikhil swara look toward sanskar controlling her tears which he can easily sense seeing her red eyes making him angry and furious)
Sanskar - when she said leave her then you should leave her mr Nikhil Agrawal ( hold his hand take out from swara's hand who hissed in pain sanskar look toward swara then her elbow which is bleeding little bit because of nail mark Nikhil look toward sanskar) you seriously don't have any fear of anyone na okey now I will show you what fear called mr nikhil agrawal get lost tomorrow come college but not without your parents get that
Nikhil - sir you better stay away your class time is already over so whatever I do in other time that should doesn't matter you this is college not your personal property that you can do whatever you want
Sanskar - oh right okey then I'll give you two chance go and do whatever you can do against me because you really don't know who am I go find out and then come toward me and open your mouth go try anything whatever is in your hand to make me throw out from this college then whatever will be consequences you gonna face that like you brat students I won't tolerate in my class so right now get lost from my class without any bloody arguments
Nikhil - you will regret mr sanskar maheswari with her (look toward swara who also look toward him then she look toward sanskar) now just wait and watch see what I will do today's day will be your last day of college it's my word
Sanskar - all the best let's see who will able to make whom do what he wants I know how to handle small kids like you get lost right now (Nikhil go from there fuming in anger swara see him goingly she look toward sanskar who smirk devilishly seeing nikhil going from class)
Sanskar - (monologue) sanskar maheswari didn't give anyone right to touch his wife and you dare to hurt her so your dead end is near mr nikhil agrawal you shouldn't have hurt her you gonna face consequences of your this dare sanskar maheswari can bear anything but not this that someone hurt his SWARA you have done your life biggest mistake given her pain hurting her touching her is only sanskar maheswari's right because he owns her and you will understand that very soon that too in my way (he look toward swara who was looking toward him only trying to get what he is thinking he immediately change his facial expressions again at rude and arrogant face making swara come in sense she look toward him then look down silently seat at her bench sanskar take out handkerchief from his pocket keep it on swara's bench and go from there at his desk swara see sanskar's handkerchief then see her elbow which is bleeding she turn and look toward everyone who was looking straight toward blackboard without saying anything)
Swara - (monologue) one side he himself give me so much pain hurt me in extreme level and other side he can't even bear anyone giving me pain or hurting me what exactly he wants in his life he himself even know about that why this person is like this it's like I am seeing him in new way only it's that like I never know him (she take his handkerchief and and hold it on her elbow bite her inner cheek controlling her pain closing her eyes sanskar look toward swara fist his hand seeing her in pain ) he has something dangerous in his mind regarding nikhil I am unable to understand what's that what he gonna do with nikhil I don't know and I can't even asked him because he will not gonna tell me for sure what should I do I am still unable to understand (sanskar get busy in teaching everyone ignoring everything swara also silently focus on her class seeing sanskar teaching after half hour later class get over sanskar go from there swara get up she take her books her phone beep she take out her mobile and see sanskar's message)
Meet me right now at my cabin mrs swara sanskar maheswari (swara ignore sanskar's message and she silently go toward library thinking he must be calling her for making her listened something because of what happened sometime before she now seriously don't want to listened anything more she was going toward library sanskar who very well know about his stubborn wife he hold her hand seeing her and push her inside one empty storeroom close the storeroom door swara look toward sanskar seeing him )
Sanskar - your stubbornness don't have any heights na and you didn't left me with any other options it will be better that you don't ignore me mrs swara sanskar maheswari
Swara - you gone mad mr sanskar maheswari what you want now haan let me go ( swara turn to go sanskar hold her hand pull her back hold her from her waist and make her seat on desk swara kooks on ) what the hell your doing sanskar let me go
Sanskar - ignoring me is your all time favourite work na that you always do I message you and you ignore that also so now bear this (hold her elbow which have nail mark of nikhil swara look toward sanskar he take first aid kit take cotton and detol swara shake her head in no seeing sanskar take detol in cotton she take her hand back from sanskar's hand who look toward her and sign heavily he very well know how much his little wife is scared of detol which burns like hell when it's apply on wound he look toward swara who looking toward his hand cotton in fear blinking her eyes several times he take deep breath )

PRECAPE : - sanskar with trick apply anticeptic on swara's wound making her lost in his touch nikhil try his bestto make sanskar throw out of college 😳😶😍😶😍😶😶😍😶😶😍😶😶😍😶😶😶😶😍😶😍😶😶😍😶😶😍🤨😍😳😍😳😳😍😍😍😳😍😍😍😲😢😢😢😢😢😲😳😢😢😱😲😱😢😲😲😱😲😱😲😱😢😱😢😱😱😲😱😬😬😬😱

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