episode 5 - only i have right to give you pain

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Swara look toward sanskar who pull her inside one empty storeroom he make her seat on bench swara who was going to shout but sanskar glare her making her keep her mouth shut before uttering anything he take out cotton from first aid kit and take detol bottle making swara's eyes wide in shocked she shake her head in no she take her hand back from sanskar's hand who look toward her shake his head in impossible he very well know that how much his little wife is scared from detol because it's burns like hell in wound he take deep breath looking toward swara who was looking toward his hand cotton where he has take only little amount of detol
Sanskar - let me apply it otherwise it will infect you swara stop behaving like a small kid it will pain for little time then I will apply anticeptic on your wound so just relax
Swara - what relax haan don't you know how much it's burn i won't apply this you keep it away from me sanskar you know I can't apply this why you take it on cotton
Sanskar - because your sensitive skin don't able to bear nail mark did you forget what happened last time when my nail digg at your skin
Swara - nothing will happened i will say dida to apply turmeric paste here so this will be fine you don't apply this detol sanskar take it back please
Sanskar - not at all i said na stop behaving like small kid swara show me your hand silently don't force me to use my strength which is more than you at least
Swara - your behaving like a stubborn head sanskar knowing i get scared from applying detol your still doing that please don't do this
Sanskar - i also told you what happened last time so you better stop throwing tantrums on me because I am not gonna hear that your showing me your hand or not (swara shake her head in no) i will also see how you won't be showing me your hand ( pull her closer swara look toward sanskar who also look toward her he side her hairs behind her ear nuzzle his nose on her neck swara hold sanskar's blazer in tight grip getting lost in his touch she close her eyes ) love ( swara just hummed) you know your most beautiful girl in this whole universe which i have seen from inside and outside too (whisper huskily on her ear take cotton from table hold swara's hand touch it sensually apply detol on her wound clean the blood take anticeptic in other cotton and apply it on her elbow ) it's done mrs swara sanskar maheswari ( he move back look toward swara who open her eyes hearing sanskar look toward him who smirked devilishly she look toward her elbow see he already applied anticeptic on it she glare sanskar angrily) what
Swara - you again trick me sanskar for applying this anticeptic ( sanskar roll his eyes hearing swara) your cheater you always do this with me
Sanskar - yes i do because you always come into my this trick so i do that moreover your stubbornness go at extreme level so what can i do
Swara - just shut up sanskar now put me down let me go from here (sanskar smirk swara look toward him) sanskar i am not gonna do anything put me down right now
Sanskar - you have no other way rather than listening me my little wife because you need my help so you have to do what i will say you to do
Swara - no i won't do that i will myself get down from this bench i don't need your help nor i will listen your any rubbish
Sanskar - not that easy mrs swara sanskar maheswari just wait and watch that what i am gonna make you do now (swara try to get down from bench which is in little height on stairs she look toward sanskar who lean on one bench and look toward her with devilish smirk) i am giving you last warning accept what i want otherwise stay here only
Swara - when you give me pain that is right and when other give me pain that is wrong seriously sanskar what type of behavior this is you should be happy that i am getting pain (sanskar hold swara from her waist)
Sanskar - yeah your right i should be happy that your getting pain but i didn't give anyone right to give you pain because giving you pain is only mine right no one else that moron will get reward of his dare of touching you and hurting you mrs swara sanskar maheswari (swara look toward sanskar hearing him he make her stand properly) i told you i own you mrs swara sanskar maheswari with this property
Swara - and you think i will be agreeing for what you saying that's your misunderstanding mr sanskar maheswari well it's waste to argue with you because there is no use of that and i don't want to waste my time
Sanskar - you understand everything so quickly na miss swara bose except my pain and suffering (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) what truth is always bitter right
Swara - enough sanskar i told you i don't need your help now don't start again and again same thing aren't you tried of that haan
Sanskar - you aren't tired of hurting me and i should be enough saying this only you being this much heartless that you didn't even asked me once also in 6 month which dead body you go leaving is okay or not because you don't care about that na
Swara- it's true i have heard somewhere whom we love na like insanely desperately that person only broke us sometime with his hurtful word and sometimes with his action and your the perfect example of that sanskar ( look toward sanskar who was staring her only hearing her )
Sanskar - i broke you didn't you broke something mrs swara sanskar maheswari my love my life my saying doens't even matters to you ever i have always supported you in your every decision in every situation and that day i asked you only one thing that also you didn't able to give me i told you in clear words if you go there then i will kill myself this words also doesn't matters to you then i understand how much you can love me when this all doesn't matters to you so i don't think you ever loved me
Swara - i can't do anything with your crupt mind sanskar because it has been get damaged and i have nothing to do with that how much i can understand you i did that but you're not ready to hear that so let it be (swara turn to go sanskar hold her hand and pull her toward himself)
Sanskar - where the hell you think of going on haan i am not saying anything that doesn't mean you will say anything and go you know what this is your damm problem that you never accept your bloody mistake you always blame me for everything which mistake i did for that also and which i didn't did for that too because you never find me nice person ever
Swara - exactly sanskar your thinking is like that and for that i can't do anything with this because you never understand anything and i don't even want to make you understand now because your not gonna understand that
Sanskar - what you will make me understood when you yourself never understand anything specially my feelings regarding you
Swara - i don't even want to understand anything from person like you who picked stone to kill his own younger brother that person can't be trusted also mr sanskar maheswari
Sanskar - that's enough swara don't you bloody dare to repeat your words again and stop taunting me it will be better for you only
Swara - when you can point finger on my character my love can't i even say anything on that matter which you have done in real mr sanskar maheswari haan
Sanskar - you will gonna regret for your every damm words miss swara bose because consequences gonna be very hard for you now
Swara - if i must have taken tension of consequences na mr sanskar maheswari then very first day of college only i must have gone leaving everything seeing you i am not afraid of your any warning
Sanskar - you will be soon i will make you scare from everything that you will understand what fear is called of you say how much you wants to say once i decided something then you will not able to say anything
Swara - leave me mr sanskar maheswari let me go (sanskar tighten his grip on swara more hearing her) i am getting late after 6 i won't be getting any cab taxi and bus to go back to my home leave me let me go
Sanskar - that's not my problem it's your headache what you get and what not but i do care only one thing which is mine that is only mine
Swara - sanskar let me go i am getting late why don't you understand dida is alone here it's getting night you don't care about me i understand don't you care about dida too (sanskar leave swara hearing her who look toward him she take her mobile and go toward opening door but see it's not getting open she try one more time but unable to open she turn and look toward sanskar who was standing silently without saying anything she go toward him ) what you did with door now why it's not getting open sanskar open it right now i want to go home can't you understand that
Sanskar - no i don't understand anything do you understand i am not magician mrs swara sanskar maheswari if you are thinking me magician i don't know magic and even i don't know how this door get close
Swara - you can fool everyone but not to me sanskar because i very well know you only must have done something with this door and asked someone to do something with this door you can do that because you can do anything mr maheswari
Sanskar - oh you know that i can do anything that's great mrs swara sanskar maheswari but sorry to disappoint you i haven't done anything like this
Swara - sanskar please open this damm door i want to go home dida must be getting worried not seeing me at home at time
Sanskar - what the hell swara what do you think i am this much interested to get locked with you inside this empty classroom sorry for not matching to your imagination but i haven't done anything ( he go near door try to open unlocking it's upper lock but see it's unable to open he close his eyes in irritation seeing this swara look toward sanskar come toward him ) damm this gonna happened only after all where you are problem can happen also there
Swara - sanskar stop taunting me for every damm problem because this time i haven't done anything moreover you have own this place na then do something and open this door mr sanskar maheswari
Sanskar - what to do mrs swara sanskar maheswari i own this place but i am not magician to open this door by my magic let me think something for sometime keep your mouth shut and let me concentrate (swara glare sanskar)
Sanskar - truth is always bitter and now go silently seat there on bench i will do something ( swara make faces go aside sanskar try to open door but nothing happened he try to use his full powers still nothing works he get frustrated he bang his hand hardly to door) damm this bloody door (swara jump in fear look toward sanskar she go near him he turn and look toward swara ) what now don't blame me that i am doing this initially
Swara - your hand sanskar it must be paining don't hit door like this (sanskar look toward swara hearing her he raise his eyebrows) huminity shake i am saying this
Sanskar - then keep your huminity with yourself only i don't need it understand stay away from me whatever i do that should not matters to you because you don't care about me na so let me do whatever i want
Swara - sanskar stop being stubborn head like this we will not able to get out from this blunder first calm down your anger and then think with calm mind that how to get out from this place in anger nothing gonna happen
Sanskar - if you don't have any anger issue then you only think i am seriously not interested to take your any kind of advises
Swara - (murmur slowly to herself) when even he taken my advice till now durga ma why did you stuck me in this situation that too with this devil only don't you have mercy on me little bit also
Sanskar - what your murmuring to yourself mrs swara sanskar maheswari talk loudly whatever it is on my face ( swara look toward sanskar hearing him shake her head in no with tight smile) you seriously gone mad in this situation
Swara - sanskar please can we continue this fights tomorrow for now we have to get out from this place we can't be here like this if anyone saw us then it will create a big scene over whole college
Sanskar - ohh Hello i am seriously not interested to stuck with you any kind of situation like this don't know why this even happened
Swara - problem and you have long time connection mr sanskar maheswari because creating problem is you old habits after all
Sanskar - look swara i am controlling my temper over myself so it's better you keep your mouth shut by yourself otherwise i have so many way to do that don't test my patience
Swara - huh i am not even interested in that mr sanskar maheswari (she go otherside of the empty classroom to check something for going out) everytime keep getting angry rather than that he had left no work in his life don't know from where he bring this much anger on himself ( she see one door open it she move back seeing dark forest ) what the hell behind this college there is forest too i can't go from this place ( she move back closing door but dash with stone hard chest she what about to shout in fear sanskar keep his palm on her mouth pinning her to wall glare her angrily swara's breath get heavy she look toward sanskar)
Sanskar - it's me sanskar maheswari unfortunately your husband forget that (swara sign him toward his palm he remove it slowly) don't shout come let's go from here
Swara - you got mad sanskar i won't come from here this is forest i am scared of darkness i can't if you want you go from here
Sanskar - yaar where the hell i am stuck i am here only na i didn't go leaving you come let's go before this forest turn more dark then we will not able to find a way try to understand swara we are not in this situation to have any second option or eles we have to stay in this classroom only otherwise come let's go from this way I'll call John he will bring car
Swara - i am feeling this way will be not good for us sanskar please try to understand i can't go at this dark forest i am scared alot
Sanskar - there will be wild animal inside forest swara yaar this is behind college so obviously there will be no wild animal inside except one (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) me your husband so come (hold her hand and take her out from the college empty classroom they move forward swara tighten her grip on sanskar's hand who sense that swara getting scared) when you have no fear of mine why you're getting scared from this forest mrs swara sanskar maheswari (swara look toward sanskar make faces they move inside forest swara gulp down her saliva seeing everywhere darkness sanskar silently moving forward holding swara's hand tightly)
Swara - sanskar let's go back to college i can't come in this darkness anywhere i am feeling scared alot before my legs gives in let's go back listen to me please
Sanskar - we are going from this way only so you better keep your mouth shut swara because i have so many work rather than listening your stupid reasons let's go silently (they move inside forest darkness was growing only swara look everywhere for a second her soul left her body when she see red eyes near one tree which is staring her she started shivering in fear she move closer to sanskar holding his blazer tightly sanskar turn and look toward swara she is scared but not this much she know that he raise his eyebrows swara sign toward the direction where she saw that red eyes sanskar turn and look that way but didn't find anything he sign heavily take swara from there who start moving behind sanskar without having any other option sanskar stop on his place swara also stop look toward him see same red eyes person she hide behind sanskar holding him tightly)

PRECAPE :- swasan stuck in dangerous situation they being kidnapped by some unknown goons who take them in one place which is located away from main city 😢😐😢😢😐😐😐😢😢😢😢😐😐😢😢😧😦😧😦😦😮😰😮😰😦😮😰😦😰😦😮😰😦😰😦😰😮😰😮😰😮😰😦😦😰😦😰😦😰😦😰😦😰😦😦😰🥺😬🥺😬🥺😬🥺😬😬🥺😬🥺🥺😦😰

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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