Tides of Silver and Blood (Part 6 of 6)

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For the first time in her life, Joan struggled with staying among her sea-sisters instead of running ahead. They had found Etheridge's blood in the dungeons beneath the castle. His blood, but not him. Now they searched throughout the many rooms of the castle, as thorough as when collecting abalone. It nearly drove her mad, but she knew this was the best way to find him and get out safely.

Servants and courtiers fled in their presence. So did some of the guards once they saw how many sea-wolves there were and that they knew how to fight with blades and bullets as well as their teeth. Even so, they left each room full of bodies. If she weren't so damn mad, she'd almost feel sorry for the guards. They had thick uniforms and deadly silver, but most didn't even know how to change form while being ripped apart by her and her sisters.

Her movements were so wild that at one point Nora caught her and gave her a shake. "That throat's been gone since your second bite. Just keep focused and remember he'll be fine. Izzie will make sure he stays alive."

It kept the haze of red in her mind at bay, and she fell into the rhythm of the others while they continued through the castle. Halfway up, they found a wolf with Etheridge's blood on his shoes. He already wore the same gold badge that had been Etheridge's. Joan changed over into her skin before approaching him, realizing he must be the new royal inspector.

"Where is he?" she growled, while Nora held his own silver dagger to his throat.

The wolf looked very pale. Sweat darkened his blond hair as his gaze followed the blood trails down her chin and throat. "I won't fight you. If you let me go, I'll just leave."

"That's not what I asked."

"Etheridge is with the queen. The highest tower."

Without a word, some of the sea-sisters moved closer to Joan, sensing her decision to head straight up there. As she stripped a knife and gun from a guard's body, the inspector added, "We've also caught the sea-wolf he tried to save. She's—"

"Doing better than you," said Nora, and laughed. Then she glanced at Joan. "Should we spare him?"

"Whatever you think," said Joan, already intent on fighting a way to the next staircase.

Her heart hammered in her chest but her limbs felt tireless as she and her sea-sisters went up and up. Dread pushed her along countless stairs and through opulent rooms. What if they were too late? What if she only found a body?

Finally, just as they passed by walls upholstered in red velvet, she caught Etheridge's scent. Pain and rage filled it, but he lived. Her throat was too dry to howl as they reached massive gold doors, but one of her sisters did. On the other side, Izzie whistled back, using the same call as when she was unharmed but hunting something dangerous. The amount of blood already smelled overwhelming.

It took two she-wolves to pull open either door. When they finally managed it, a figure flew out at them. A she-wolf in a fine gold dress, wild-eyed and gasping for breath. She held a knife and was covered in blood that smelled unfamiliar. Something looked wrong with her face. Then Joan saw the gold tiara tangled in the hair at the back of the she-wolf's neck, as if it had been ripped off her head during a struggle. The queen of the Upper Mulgrew Pack, wearing a stolen face.

With a snarl, Joan lunged with her dagger. Her timing was perfect from hunting swift sharks and shy fish; the queen didn't stand a chance. The blade slashed from cheek to cheek and then back across the throat. The other she-wolf managed to clutch at her face while crumpling to the floor, but Joan's attention had already moved on, and she left the queen to her sisters.

As she and the others streamed inside the room, her heart felt as violent as the sea during a storm. What was she about to find? What was she about to be left with?

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