I'm With the Man With the Stars On His Face-chapter two

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I went inside and called out, "Hey tubba bubba, I'm home!"

I walked further in to find Tobin unpacking dish wares and such in the kitchen.

"Good, that means you can help me unpack the rest of the kitchen shit!" he yelled back as he put a plate away.

"Ugh, okay. But can we at least put some music on while we put all this shit away?"

"Sure. Grab your stereo and iPod from your room. I unpacked some of your things already."

"Thanks Tobes!" I went into my room and grabbed my stereo and iPod and plugged it all into the outlet in the dinning room. I pressed play and Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne came on. I was shakin' my butt as I walked into the kitchen and Tobin laughed his ass off, nearly dropping a plate in the process.

"So how did talking to the neighbor go?" my brother asked while wiggling his eyebrows. He is such a dork.

"He is sooo wonderful! His name is Jacoby Shaddix and he has all of these bad ass tattoos. Oh, and he and his friends are starting up a band. They still need a bass player, so they want you to come over at 12:30 pm tomorrow to try out."

"Really? That's fucking great! I love you so damn much Lena!" my brother exclaimed. He stopped what he was doing and squeezed me into a tight hug.

"You're so damn welcome then. Now can you let go of me so I can fucking breath?" I asked him. He let go of me and we finished unpacking the kitchen.

I then decided to unpack the rest of my room. I walked into my room and got started. Why do I have so much shit? I finished getting my room the way I wanted it and I was happy. I then decided that I was done for the day so I got a shower. The warm water felt relaxing as it warmed me up. My muscles uncoiled and I was at peace. It had been a long day of moving and unpacking. There was a shit load left to unpack still and I wondered if Tobin and I would be able to get it all done by ourselves. I got into my pajamas and situated myself in my bed. I layed back and reflected on my day. My thoughts mainly rested on Jacoby and how gorgeous he was. I could not wait to see him again tomorrow. That guy made me crazy.

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