Part 0

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Alright, as I said before I used a wheel to pick everything so if you wanna know why things have changed, blame the wheel

Also I forgot this one

Aura color: (a/c)

--- Part 1 ---

(Y/n) is seen walking through the streets of Mistral his wrapons strapped onto his back and a calm look on his face as he walks down the street, as he spots a person run down a alleyway and takes off running after him, the person (yes he was walking down the middle of the road and no there was no cars around)

The person runs down the alleyway taking a left as (y/n) follows after him not getting closer, but keeping up enough to keep him in sight, as the person takes a turn and (y/n) catches up the person seems to have just vanished

"I have come this far, I will find them" (y/n) mumbles to himself as he starts to walk around when he spots a brick laying on the ground and a crack in a wall with footprints leading to the crack

'Found you' (y/n) thinks as he walks over to the hole and thanks to his small size he can squeeze through the crack as a thought goes through his head

'How could they fit thro-' right as his thoughts came together a group of people look at him as the group of 7 people pull out there weapons, 3 having swords, 2 having spears, a young looking woman with Green hair and red eyes, and a tall male with silver hair (hmm, i womder who those two are)

"Ehh, what up?" (Y/n) says his tail waving behind him as he has a look of confusion on his face making him look cute in a way, making the green haired one blush a small bit

"Get him" the male with silver hair says as the 5 people with weapons walk forward, with the three with swords taking the lead as the two with spears get ready by taking a stance

"Can we not talk this out, I was only after the person that looked like they were hiding something" I say with a sigh as I pull out my hook swords and keep a relaxed stance, swords in hand

"Attack" the guy in the middle says as the two in the back take a large step forward and stam there spears forward making the spear heads almost stab (y/n) only for him to swing his swords at an angle and slash into the poles of there spears, as a (a/c) color spreads on there spears as the heads of them fall to the ground as (y/n) smiles sweetly

"I'll give you one more chance, tell me where the guy is and i'll leave" (y/n) says in a sweet tone and a soft smile

"No, you have seen to much" the one with green hair says as the three with swords get closer as he sighs and swings his swords making the grappling part sling forwars and as the sword wielders get closer and the tips of the blades get closer to the ground he flips the blades and make the hooks retract tripping the two on the ends and going back into hooksword form as he rushes the last guy making him swing his sword as (y/n) raises the one in his left to block the blade and knock him to the side before he slams the bottom of the the sword in his right hand into his face making the last guy loose grip on his sword only for (y/n) to send the sword flying into the wall as he rushes forward using the falling guy as a step and jumping at the silver haired guy as the two that had spears look back in slight shock only for the silver haired guy to step to the side as his vision start to get blurry as he lands and rushes again at the silver haired guy as over the the side the one with green hair smiles at the sight as she looks (y/n) up and down

"Mercury, knock the girl out, she might have some use later" the green haired girl says as the silver haired male smiles and with one movement a foot comes out of nowhere and slams into the side of his head  knocking (y/n) out in one hit (I wonder where that foot came from?)

--- small timeship ---

We see (y/n) sitting in a chair in a dark room as he can hear a voice form somewhere else most likely outside the room as he looks around confused

"Hello?" (Y/n) says looking around not knowing where he is or where his weapons are

"So, your finally awake" a female voice says as he look twords the shadow and sees glowing yellow eyes in the shadows

"Umm, where am I?" (Y/n) asks looking twords the eyes a little confused

"Normally I would just kill pests as they show up, but you are cute and it would be a shame to just kill you, so i'll let you pick, you can die or you can have a little fun with someone" the female voice says giving only two options

"I don't wanna die yet, so i guess i'll take the second one" (y/n) says not thinking much into it as the eyes close making everything go black, before in a flash of light to reveal him in a bedroom with green sheets on the bed

"I knew you would pick that one" says another voice as he looks to his left to see the woman from before, sitting on the bed, with a green bra and a pair of pants on as she smiles at (y/n)

"Huh?" He asks as he looks at her with a dumb but cute face

"You already agreed, so lets have some fun" the femals says as she stands up and walks behind (y/n), and unties the rope as (y/n) goes to get up she places a hand on (y/n) shoulder with a smile

"Stripe, then get on the bed" the female says with a dominant tone making (y/n) tighen up a bit as his tail stands up straight

(Y/n) blushes as he starts removing his clothes while blushing as he takes off his shirt the green haired girls eyes widen a bit as (y/n) keeps removing his clothes he bends over making his ass stand out as he lowers his panties but the green haired girl stops (y/n) from taking off his choker

"Leave that on, now on the bed, leave the rest to me" the green haired girl says with a smile as he gets on the bed while blushing

--- End part ---

I know I am leaving this part on a cliff hanger, but the first couple of parts take place as season 1 is happening and as such then season 2 roals around he will not die and will have a fun spot to arrive on

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