The Menace Of 50 Berkeley Square

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Mandy Loxely was a recent graduate of psychology from the University of London

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Mandy Loxely was a recent graduate of psychology from the University of London. She had always been fascinated by the paranormal and had decided to write a book on ghosts. Mandy believed that ghosts were not spirits, but rather the animal instincts and negative traits that people leave behind when they die. She had spent the last few months researching haunted houses and was particularly interested in 50 Berkeley Square, one of the most famous haunted houses in London.

Mandy was having drinks with her friends one evening when they started discussing haunted houses. Her friends knew about her interest in the paranormal, and one of them mentioned 50 Berkeley Square.

"You know, that place has quite the history," her friend said. "It's said to be one of the most haunted houses in all of London."

Mandy was immediately intrigued. "What kind of history?" she asked.

"It was built in the 1700s by a man named Sir Thomas Gascoigne," her friend replied. "He lived there with his two daughters, but after he died, the house fell into disrepair. In the 1800s, it was used as a boarding house, and that's when the stories started. Guests reported seeing a ghostly figure, and some even claimed to have been attacked by it."

Mandy listened intently as her friends continued to recount the stories associated with the house. The more they talked, the more she wanted to see it for herself. She was a firm believer in her theory about ghosts, and she wanted to put it to the test.

"I think I'm going to go to 50 Berkeley Square," Mandy announced, surprising her friends.

"What? Are you crazy?" one of them exclaimed. "That place is dangerous."

Mandy shrugged. "I'll be fine. Besides, I want to see if my theory is right."

Her friends tried to talk her out of it, but Mandy was determined. She said goodbye to them and headed off to 50 Berkeley Square.

As she approached the house, Mandy couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The house was in a state of disrepair, with broken windows and peeling paint. But it was the feeling of dread that really unnerved her. She took a deep breath and walked up to the front door. It creaked open as she pushed it, and she stepped inside.

The interior of the house was just as dilapidated as the outside. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and the air was musty and stale. Mandy made her way to the second floor, where most of the paranormal activity was said to occur. She found a room to spend the night in and settled in.

 She found a room to spend the night in and settled in

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