Chapter 8: First Heartbreak

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I walked past the room regardless of how dark it is. I just have to get my belongings and Lily's so we could all go ahead to our next class.

I walked over to the side with the creepy and annoying flooring lights still guiding me. I touched the nearest wall that I could touch and tried my hardest to switch the lights on. Whoever is the CEO of this prank should leave before I unleash my Kung Fu skills at him or her.

The wall was flat, flat as my sister's chest. The switch isn't here. I moved to the other side and there was a little bump on the wall, it's the switch. I turned it on and voila! The lights lit up. This makes my life easier. I grabbed our bags and was about to head outside when I see a Chris-like shadow. Yeah, a shadow just like his. Ectomorph body, blonde hair, 5'9 tall, black hoodie. I feel like it's him but he's with a girl. They're sitting in the leftmost corner of the room. They're too close. I noticed that a tripod is standing beside them. Hmm, maybe they were filming something for their Digital Film class? I don't share that class with Chris cause it's only for 11th Graders. Or maybe it's not actually Chris and I am just being paranoid cause I haven't seen him yet. I shrugged my thoughts off and went out of the classroom.

"What took you so long?!" Lily complained.

I sighed and told her how hard it is to find something in the dark. If she only knew how much sweat I poured out!

"You're searching for something in the dark. That's hard. It's like loving someone who doesn't love you back. You're the one searching and the one you're searching for is in the darkness. You're searching for mutual feelings but sadly, it's not easy to find." She stated. Woah, that hit me. I love Chris but he doesn't love me - I mean he does but only as his best friend. Meanwhile, I love him as him. I love him beyond our friendship.

"From what book did you get that?" I joked. I don't want Lily to know how I'm feeling about Chris regardless of my trust in her. Don't get me wrong, I trust her with all my heart but I just don't want her to know it. I'm concealed as fudge. I conceal what I feel.

Lily frowned. "I got it from my thoughts! I just stated every (inlove) teenagers' struggle."

So I'm one of those girls, huh? I smiled at her and dragged her to our next class which is History.

When we got there, I saw Crawford sitting in the third row with two empty chairs beside him. He waved at me and signaled me to sit in one of the vacant chairs beside him. Lily and I went there and sat in the chairs.

A half hour of History class made me feel so sleepy. Ms. Charlson just made us watch videos of how the world looked like 2000 years ago. Almost everybody else is sleeping in the class. Meanwhile, Crawford is doodling pizzas in his notebook. This guy is so obsessed with pizzas. How to win Crawford's heart: give him pizzas and he'll love you forever.

"Oh my gosh." Lily randomly said. Crawford suddenly stopped doodling and nudged me. I looked at the both of them and they both give me the what look.

"What? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Kailee, have you seen my brother?" Crawford shakingly asked.

I shook my head, "I haven't seen him since first period. Why?"

Lily put his hands on her face. Few minutes later, she squeezed my hand. "Look at the window."

I did and saw Chris and Iris having fun with each other. What surprised (and pained) me the most is Iris holding Chris's hair, about to make a move to kiss him. I felt my world crushed into pieces. My heart breaking, I don't know how to react. I want to cry but I'm not allowing myself to. I have to stay strong and conceal everything, I don't want to be a weight on someone's shoulder.

"So?" I asked Lily, in a state of confusion.

Lily furrowed her eyebrows. "Iris is with Chris."

"And? What's wrong with it? Everybody can.. be.. with.. my best friend." I felt my voice breaking upon saying that.

"Yo Kailee, wanna go to Taco Bell later?" Crawford asked with aims of diverting my attention to him. I see Lily frowned and eventually smiles back at Crawford for doing it.

"Yeah, sure!" I said, pretending like nothing happened.

Truth be told, it hurts me. It hurts more than you could ever know. Seeing the love of your life with someone else and being sweet to each other feels like death. Indeed, loving someone who doesn't love you back is a secret and instant suicide.

After our History class, we all went to lunch together and talked about what we're going to do for the upcoming Dance Fling. Crawford is asking help from us on how he's gonna surprise his date. Lily's practically good at this, she likes surprises so much she mastered the art of surprising.

"The secret is basically just.. you need to know what the girl likes. There's a high probability she'd say yes if she sees what she likes althroughout the surprise!" Lily advised.

As Lily gives ideas to Crawford, I took advantage of the chance that I have to go on my phone and check if there are any messages coming from Chris. To my dismay, I saw none. I went on my Snapchat and all I could say is it was such a stupid move for me to even go on there. Chris's Snapchat stories were full of his moments with Iris. It was basically like Iris is taking over his Snap. I closed the app and held in my tears.

"I'll just to go to the bathroom." I said to Lily. I couldn't hold it in anymore. Once I got in in the cubicle, tears started to fall. Why is love always paired up with pain? But what can I do? I chose to love someone, hence I chose to feel pain too.

I composed myself and thought of a plan that'll be effective to get away from everything. I went back to our lunch table.

"Mom, I'm sorry I just got your message right now. What's wrong? You told me to call you. Is everything alright?" I said pretending like I'm talking with my mom on the phone.

"What? Okay okay, I'll be there soon!"
"Guys, I'm really sorry I have to go now. There's an emergency and I need to get home real quick. I'm sorry Crawford I don't think I can still make it to Taco Bell later. I gotta go!" I said as I immediately gather all my stuff and headed out.

I hurriedly took a cab and told the driver my stop. When I got home, I locked all the doors and went to my room and bursted everything.

I cried and cried and cried. I never knew I would experience all of this. I used to read these scenarios in books and thought it never existed in real life but boy was I wrong.

Why can't I just love someone without pain? Why does it have to be like this?!

Sometimes the person behind all your happiness is also the one behind all your sadness.


I haven't updated in sooooo long! I'm really sorry for the looong wait! Things just got a little out of control. This chapter actually took me 7 months to finish since school started and I could barely find time to squeeze in updating with all the schoolwork I have. I've been very busy with everything lately but expect more updates from me since I'm on my break right now. So yay! Again, I'm really sorry for being on hiatus. Thank you for your patience and for your understanding! ❤

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