Chapter 1

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'I have mastered a thousand of my blades a thousand times and ten thousand of my swords ten thousand times. In the end, immortality allows for one to see the broader image that the world wishes to show. I have gazed upon the beginning, foreseen the end, lived through the chaos and anarchy, and let me tell you, men will not change. Greed, Lust, Pride dwells within all. I am no exception, that is why I decided to be the kind of ruler that I was. I isolated myself from both gods and mankind to ensure that both could grow into their own without the need to rely on the other. I am a being born of both man and god, so I cannot tell you what I feel towards either, but I can tell you that both have their ups and downs. Good and bad, it dwells within all...'~ King Naruto.


"Is there a reason you are coming all the way out here and away from everyone else?" Millianna asked him with a cautious look.

The ancient king merely ignored her as he summoned a golden portal over his open palm, where something... otherworldly fell into his grasp, "I think you need to learn a little bit of human history, little kitten." he told her, "This world is my garden, and all that it holds is mine by default. It's people, it's culture of varying lands and people whom practice them, the wealth it holds, the very air in which you breathe is all because I allowed mankind to pull itself out of the ashes of destruction and allowed it to become the base of modern society that you know now. It's technology is inferior to that in which I commanded in ancient times, but mankind is smarter for it."

He is a dignified man with golden hair standing up like a blazing flame. His face is more than the mere word handsome can describe as it is almost angelic. His eyes, crimson like blood, are visibly not those of a human and give off a mysterious radiance that makes people wither. He has a 'perfect, Golden-proportioned body' described as emanating majesty that makes flames surrounding him afraid to come close, and his very soul glows gold like the midday sun. He presents himself with the golden armor complete with a red waist cape. By removing his armor, he exposes the red tattoos that he bears when using his full power. In addition, he wears a golden necklace and has golden earrings.

As Millianna got a feel for this strange item in his hand, she shivered, the energy coming off this seemingly strange shaped item was the strongest and purest form of energy she had ever felt, "You should leave while you still can, because what happens next, will rewrite your previous conceptions of mankind and the power they can wield if they allowed themselves to progress to be more than mere savages who rely on the technology they create rather than their own desires that fuel the wish to create a world in which they prosper and in turn flourish as one species." he told her as he gripped the base of the constantly changing item, "Bab-Ilu..." he commented, and suddenly, the base of the key shifted dozens of times in an instant as he held it in his grasp.

As it finished, the key releases a large, labyrinth-like, red pattern, that can be seen covering the sky from a great distance away- from the highest floor of the Tower of Heaven all the way to the shores of the Arcane Resort-and then it recedes into a small orb that vanishes as it reaches his hand. Dismissing the key, the golden armored man smashes his handout, and the very air itself is cracked apart as he reaches through the void of reality to pull out a strange weapon that made Millianna's very being cry out in terror, commanding her all but to flee from this man as he blankly looked at her, telling her by his body language alone that the big boys were about to play, and she'd be nothing more than a nuisance to him and whoever he had called this thing for.

A distance away, the green haired woman looked out over the island and felt a all too familiar energy source, "Are you sure you wish to reveal me so soon, the second stage of your little game hasn't even begun, you told me yourself, over twenty percent of them have yet to find their masters." she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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