Chapter 2

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The elder Goenka's are in their living room occupied with their works. Seeing the chance Suhasini started....Manish, Aaru is in her 7th month pregnancy, so I have decided that we will be celebrating her Godhbharai. So Swarna talk to a pandit and set a auspicious date.

Haa Maa this is a good idea, since Neil's accident our Aaru is suffering, this will cheer her up said AG.

I'll talk to the pandit, once date is set we will inform Birla's also said Swarna while arranging a fruit bowl.

Bade Mama, inform me the date I'll arrange the party planner and all the decorations will be done as per Aaru's taste said Kairav.

In all this Vansh stood silent, he looked at the the GF who had forgotten the other daughter of this house. He walked towards the temple and prayed....Bhagavan ji Where ever Akshu is please take care of her as this family has forgotten that there is a daughter named Akshara in this family. For the 1st time keeping aside my brotherly rights and possessiveness requesting u...please let Akshu have a family that loves her, cares for her and protects her.

Who will tell Vansh that all his hearty prayers will be heard and Akshu will have a family who will not only shield her but also shows her the right path of life.

Kairav who saw Vansh standing silent asked....Vansh what are ur inputs on Aaru's Godhbharai.

Vansh looked at Kairav.... Do as u deemed to be fit saying so he walked away.

All the family members looked at retreating figure of Vansh. Don't know what happened to him, since few months he is so off said Swarna. Anyways me and Aaru will leave to hospital for her checkup said Swarna moving to Aarohi's room with fruits.

Aarohi is staying with Goenka's from past 5 months. She did stay at Birla's on Manjari's instance, however that house reminds her about Neil and also Akshara, it suffocated her and the main reason for her to take a decision to stay away from Birla house keep his promise to Neil Abhimanyu accompanied Aarohi for her checkup where they were mistaken as wife and husband that didn't sit well with her and then to her second check up she requested Manjari to accompany her and also informed the reason. However Manjari's unfiltered words....Instead of Akshara, my Abhi should have married u he would be living his life happily cringed Aarohi and then and there she took a decision to shift to GH.


The Sharma's with a worried face are looking at Akshara who is having her evening walk. Akshara's health condition is not great according to her Gynic.

"Nurse please take Akshara and as per the usual plan make her workout on few exercises said Dr.Urmila. Once the nurse and Akshara left she turned to Kailash Sharma who is already sitting across her with a hunch that something is wrong.... Mr. Sharma, Akshara's reports are not fine.

Listening her words KS questioned in a loud tone.... Last month u said she is fine and her condition is improving right, now ur saying that her condition is not ok.

Mr. Sharma, I can understand ur state, but I cannot keep u in dark....When I took in Akshara's case I clearly mentioned u that her condition is not at all fit to continue the pregnancy and suggested termination of pregnancy, however Akshara denied and opt to continue her pregnancy. I provided my expertise for her recovery, however let's not forget her postpartum/perinatal depression. Considering her physical state and effect on fetus, I couldn't prescribe anti-depressants also. Change of environment and under family's care she is slowly recovering her mental stability, but not completely out of danger. As per her current reports she is going to have a complicated labor. I only suggest u one thing prepare yourselves for any outcome".

On reaching home Kailash has informed his family members about Doctor's consultation. They didn't inform Akshara in order to not stress her and also knew that Akshara's entire life and happiness is dependent on her child. Even they are helpless, the only thing they could do is take atmost care of her and pray for her happiness.

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