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1st person & switching POVS
TWS:none (tell me if I missed any)

-Ranboo POV-

Its been two weeks since me and tommy almost kissed,I've been trying to wrap my head around it.I know that I'm gay but tommy is known for being the "Wife haver" and everyone thinks he's straight,but now I'm questioning if he is.

Ive known that I have a crush on him for like a year but I've never had the confidence to tell him,but I think I need to today. 'I'll tell him today,and I'll go ask right now if we can hang out' I thought and ran outside and teleported to tommys home.

-Knock knock knock-

I heard a click of a lock and the door opened,I started to freak out a bit but calmed myself. "Uh hey tommy,I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out at the allium field." I said trying to sound normal "Sure,let's go right now!" He responded with a lot of energy as he grabbed my wrist and started running "TO-mmy I can teleport remember?!" I tried to say as we were running and we immediately stopped and I almost fell."Oh yea I forgot,well lets go boob boy!" Tommy said with a giggle "Not my name,grab my hand" I said back and he grabbed my hand as I teleported to the allium field "Hey tommy,I set up a picnic before I asked you to hang out-" I said but then I realized he was already over on the picnic spot and I teleported over "You did this??even before you knew if I wanted to hang out or not?" He said with a low confused voice."Uh yea,do you like it?" I said hoping that he liked it "You did pretty well boob boy!now lets eat!"

-After they ate-

-Tommy POV-

I was surprised ranboo had prepared all this but at the same time it made me love him more and I had butterflies in my stomach from such a simple act.We just finished eating and ranboo had looked towards me and got up holding his hand out "I have something to show you" he said and I took his hand and he teleported us.

I looked around and it was beautiful,it was one part of the forest that was all cherry blossom trees,it had a huge pond in the middle and alliums along with roses and it had a mini waterfall with a clearing on a cliff to watch the sunset."Holy shit this is amazing ranboo!" I said and my feathers fluffed up from happiness along with my wings flapping "I'm glad you like it now I have something to tell you" he said smiling and I thought 'Might as well tell him you like him now' "I do too" I replied and he stared at me as his tail was swaying nervously "at the same time,ready?3...2........1" "I LIKE YOU!" we both said at the same time and I turned a bright red while he turned a bright purple.

"Ahem Tommy,w-will yo-you uh..be my boyfriend?.." He said with a nervous tone. "OF FUCKING COURSE!" I said and I jumped on him and gave him a small kiss as we both smiled and laughed out of joy.

-Tiny time skip-

We sat under a cherry tree and just cuddled like our lives depended on it,it was peaceful.


Both of our heads shot up at the sound and from a distance we could hear phil yell "HUNTERS!!EVERYONE SCATTER!" and at that we panicked. There were hunters in the mountains and they found us.


Hello everyone!sorry it took me so long to post,be prepared for some angst in the next like 2-3 chapters!

And I will be starting the second book tomorrow,I would have started it like a couple days ago but ive been having some hard family issues.but once that book is started I'll let you guys know so you can go check it out!

Also I wanna say thank you for all the support on this book,it meand the world to me.I will keep trying to update as soon as possible!Bye everyone have a good day/night/afternoon

728 words this chapter

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