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Monokuma spoke up after all students had voted
"Let's see who you all voted for!!"

"You Lal voted forrrrr~

Sana Nakaya, the Ultimate Baker!!"

Mikima spoke up aswell
"Your answers were correct!!"

The baker looked terrified that he was voted correctly for the execution.


He was dragged to the execution room where he was dropped into a large bowl.

The bowl soon got filled with flour, which he quickly dug himself out from. Sugar was Soon poured ontop and he got put from that aswell.

A large spoon soon went into the bowl and began to mix the powdered ingredients around.

Milk and vanilla were quickly put into the mix and the baker swam up to not drown.

The liquid and powders combined rather quickly, working like quicksand and continually sinking the baker down below.

Sadly, the wooden spoon had spilters so the baker was slowly turning the cake a neon pink.

The batter was poured into a pan and rushed into the oven.

It only took about a minute for the giant Monokuma to take out the cake.

The cake was a light pink with a blotch of neon pink right in the center. Some of the cake had peices of clothing that appeared to be the bakers.

But from the center blotch, you could see a clearly burnt hand reaching out for help.

*communicate as you please*

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