17. She cares

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She pointed the phone screen to me to show me something, it was pictures of bruises on my upper arm

"These bruises were on your upper arm that night, I did not notice them at first because of the dim lighting, but later I noticed them.
What is the cause of these bruises?"
She said sternly and with serious features while looking directly at me

  "I do not know"
I said nervously and hesitantly

" Did Chris do that?"
She said that while raising one of her eyebrows, not convinced by my answer.

"no ... not.."

" Mon, you can't lie and I don't like to twist and turn, you and I know how you got these bruises but I want to hear the whole story from you, did he force you to do something, harass you or something like that, you can tell me don't be afraid"

I was feeling nervous looking at my fingers intertwined on the table because I didn't want to talk about what happened between me and that idiot that night.
I didn't want to cause trouble, he didn't get close to me after what he did so there's no need to talk about that.

  "When I talk to you look at me and don't say anything other than the truth without being afraid"
  She said that seriously, so I raised my head to look at her, and after I saw her features, my tension increased, as it was clear that she was upset.

  "Well, I ask you and you answer yes or no"
  She said that and then put her phone on the table and looked at me directly as if she was interrogating me

"  Chris who did it, yes or no?"
  she asked that and raised one of her eyebrows waiting for my answer

I said that with hesitation and tension, trying to keep my eyes on her as she asked me to did.

" did he force you to do something or try to get close to you against your will?"

I answered her hesitantly and started to notice that she was more upset.

"Did he try to kiss you or touch you or  .."
She said this with obvious annoyance.

" No... no... I don't know ...right, he tried to get close to me but I didn't know what his intention was"
I said that and interrupted her words to soften her clear features.

" I know what that bastard's intention was"
She said that and drank from the glass of wine in front of her
Then she added and said:
" did the bruises disappear?"

I looked at her surprised and happy because of her question
And I answered it hesitantly
"yes, I'm ok"

She said that and then continued drinking her glass of wine.

After we finished eating and talking, we left the restaurant and headed to the car
We got into the car and Sam looked at the watch on her phone.
It was (08:44 P.M)

" You have to be home at 11, right?"
Sam said as she put on her seatbelt

"yeah, right !"

" Well, then, do you want to go to a certain place before I drive you home?"
Sam asked and she looked at me and I nodded to mean "no"

"So we'll take a ride, and then I'll take you home. Princess, put your seatbelt on"
She said that and started the engine

I put on my seatbelt and sat quietly immersed in my own world. I was feeling overjoyed because we are together and because of her clear interest in me tonight, but at the same time I was feeling shy, nervous and afraid, not from her but from myself. I am a weak person when I'm with her, unable to resist her.
I am afraid that she will notice that I have feelings for her and by that I will lose her, lose what we have now, and this is what I do not want and will not allow to happen.
I will cling to what I have now, even if it is not enough for me in the end, that is better than nothing.

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