Chapter 3: A start of a new era

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Austin Texas

13:30 hours June 14th

"Currently the war is entirely in our favor, we hold complete air dominance. We are performing air raids on known targets that we have been able to identify as the enemies." General Suelzer said.

If Governor Abbot could he would be tapping his foot, but being paralyzed waist down by a tree falling does that to you.

"What about our Naval forces do we have anything that we could use or reactivate?" The Governor asked.

"Yes we do, it's Texas, Governor." Suelzer answered.

"The USS Texas? At Least we have a battleship. Do our remaining naval men have any experience operating battleships as old as her?" Governor asked.

"No, none of the recalled Navy personnel veterans have any experience in operating coal powered ships let alone battleships. Repairs and renovations should be finished in the next couple of weeks. The team behind Texas's repairs have run slightly behind schedule especially with recent events."

"At least we'll have a surface fleet. Call the Senate, we need to discuss some more budgetary issues." Governor Greg Abbot said.

The aforementioned budgetary issues were towards building a future fleet. While the budget of the National Guard was changed from 101 million dollars all the way to up 100 billion dollars. It only covered the Texas National Army Guard, Texas National Air Guard and the Texas National Coast Guard; they needed a genuine Navy as photos of the enemy's ports so what seems to be dreadnought battleships were equivalent to the Texas.

With the National Army guard having a 50 billion dollar budget, National air guard and National Coast Guard each having 25 billion respectively.

Even if they were bombing their Fleets to oblivion and the facilities required to rebuild them. If they found where the actual coast is that would be an issue. They had no major surface fleet of any kind detected near the Panhandle or elsewhere; the Air Force has been making patrols over the ocean and Radar keeps a constant eye out for any aerial anomalies but they needed something that was actually permanently out at sea and could patrol the sea lanes.

Prime ministers cabinet, Leiforia Leifor


The mood of Prime Minister Vladimir Abdulaev Abisov cabinet was somber, reflecting the gray storm clouds covering Leiforia as the yearly cyclone storms hit the Leiforian coast.

"Currently we've lost every single engagement with the enemy. They hold complete air superiority and we are unable to get our fighters in the air. All of our air bases have been bombed and are unusable. The entire front is in complete retreat." War Minister Gagarin reported.

"What about the Navy? Have they had any success in their missions?" The Prime Minister asked.

"No, not at all naval bases near the front have also been bombed to oblivion, including their ships. All the facilities necessary for a modern navy have also been bombed."

Then almost as if things were timed several naval facilities exploded along with ships.

"What was that!" The Prime Minister asked looking out the large window the bay of Leiforia was now smoking as several dozen contrails of fighters were left in the wake of the explosion. A dozen battleships along with 6 carriers and several dozen destroyers and cruisers of both light and heavy along with Submarines were now smoking ruins as their ammunition exploded. The pride of the Leiforian Navy, the most advanced and best of all the civilized world. One which could rival even the Mirishials were now smoking wrecks as they sank toward the bottom of the bay.

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