Chapter 3

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The crash and boom that followed the king's order was like nothing Maple had ever heard. Several curtains were ripped aside as ten, –maybe more– buff Hivewing guards stampeded over to the two frightened Silkwings. Maple glanced over at the king, he was watching the scampering crowd intently, though he was obviously in deep thought. I can't believe he just told everyone that I was his servant! The wretch! The story about Maple being a hybrid was true, but everything else was such a lie! Maple and Frill were so, so, much more than a King and his servant! She couldn't even process what he had just said! Well, this would be a good way to get back at him. Maple thought excitedly. Instantly, Maple leaped across the room and shoved down two Hivewing guards. A thrill of adrenaline surged through her like lightning, powering her forward. The Hivewing guards were only dazed, but still it would be enough time to get the others down. Maple burst a plume of red-orange fire at one guard's face, while slashing her claws across another's underbelly making horrible –but delightful– red streaks across the white stomach. I have to get to those Silkwings! Maple thought, skidding to a light jog. Where are they?!? There! A pair of bright green wings! I hope this is the right Silkwing... She worried to herself. Maple thought she remembered one Silkwing was mostly yellow, with green wings, and that the other was more blood red, with pink wings. I hope, I hope, I hope... When she saw a Hivewing guard winging his toward her though, her troubled notions soon vanished completely.

"Maple!" The yellow Hivewing with red and black wings shouted. Bobbing his head in a slight bow he continued, "The king has ordered that you return to the palace immediately, so you can be as safe as possible," WHAT?!? Stay as safe as possible!?! Oh come, ON Frill! You KNOW this would never work RIGHT!?! With that in mind, Maple swooped up,and said to the guard airily,

"Well, general Alderfly, you can tell Frill to kiss the moons and leave me alone! Also, tell him that I can HANDLE MYSELF FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!"

Alderfly, looked very much shocked at what Maple had just said, his utter disbelief circled around and around in his mind,

"I-uh-but-" He stuttered.

However, Maple was already winging away, towards the shiny green wings.

"WAIT!" Alderfly called out,

Maple ignored him. Did Frill really think that was a good cover up story? I mean, I'm barely a year younger than him, and he's saying he found me when I was a dragonet! He wasn't even king yet! He should have just told my story, it was so much better! Or just tell everyone the truth.....

"MAPLE!" A familiar voice screeched.

Oh no... Maple thought,

A figure suddenly crashed into her, sending her towards the ground.She quickly spun herself around and shoved off the silhouette of a very ignorant Seawing.

"Frill! What are you doing?!?"

"What are YOU doing!" Frill shouted back.

"Oh, I'm riding a unicorn down a rainbow to steal some luck charms," Maple said bluntly. "WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING!?!"

Frill sighed, "I TOLD you to get back to the palace immediately!" He protested,

"Yeah, and I TOLD YOU, to go–" Maple started,

"Kiss the moons, you can handle yourself," He interrupted, "I heard. But right now, I want you to go back to the palace, where you are safe."


"Y'know I could always just enchant you, I could make you do whatever I want, the possibilities are endless." He stated coldly.

Maple knew better than to fall for this. It was empty threat, Frill wouldn't do that, at least, he wouldn't do that to her.

"You wouldn't." Maple said.

"Maybe not, but I could enchant a guard to make sure you get into the palace. I could enchant them to not rest until you are safely locked in the doors of my very own bedroom."

There it was. That was the threat. The very thing Frill did every day, make other dragons do his dirty-work.

"Fine," Maple growled, "I'll go back to the stupid palace,"

Frill looked a bit guilty, just the feeling Maple was looking for. "I don't mean to be a buzzkill hon, I'm sorry, I just can't lose anyone else I love...."

"No, it's okay Frill, really, it is," Maple replied. Now she was feeling guilty for making Frill feel guilty. Not the feeling Maple wanted to experience right now. Frill nuzzled Maple lighty, this was the part of Frill that Maple liked. The part that made him seem like her other half, her missing piece. This was the part of him that wasn't completely centered around his magic. This was the part of him that cared about Maple. Letting their eyes do the talking, the two dragons stared at each other for a while more, hidden messages passing through their pupils. Then, suddenly, Maple turned around and started winging towards the palace. Of course, she looked back when she was flying away. Once Frill was out of sight, she spun around and bolted in the direction the two silkwings had been. Like, did Frill really think he could get her out of the way that easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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