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you turn away again , this time blushing profusely . kazuha grabbed you by your waist to turn you back to him , which worked but you covered your face in embarassment . he gently took your hands off your face .

" stop that. i want to see your beautiful face , n/n . " kazuha said , caressing your cheek .

he realizes that you haven't even said anything about the confession so he removed his hands from your body . " i'm sorry , i was overboard . " he apologized .

you wanted to say something but words weren't coming out of your mouth . you could only laugh and giggle as you replay the memory of his confession in your mind .

kazuha smiled seeing you giggle . " was my confession that funny ? " he joked .

you shook your head , still thinking about his confession . the way you didn't expect it , the way you felt like it was all a dream .

" looks like you broke her . " heizou said , looking from the kitchen counter , sipping on some tea .

kazuha heard what heizou said , and realized what it meant . kazuha clears his throat . " do you feel the same way ? "

as soon as l/n calmed herself down she let out a sigh and gave kazuha a slight smile . " isn't it obvious , dumbass ? " you said , nudging his shoulder with your elbow .

" i know .. i know , just making sure so i don't end up embarrassing myself . " he said , scratching the back of his head .

" guys , you can watch Netflix on the television if you want , i need to help my dad do something real quick . " he says as he walks into his dad's office .

you and kazuha nodded to heizou and then kept silent for a while until he broke the silence .

" what do you want to watch ? " kazuha said , passing you the remote controller from the glass table .

you take the remote controller and turn on Netflix , thinking about what to watch .

" you know what ? let's rewatch tangled . " you suggested .

he nodded . " if that's what you want , then sure . " he said laughing softly while covering his mouth .

you smiled and turned on the movie . you and kazuha watched the show attentively , for some reason it doesn't matter what movie you watch , you'll always end up tearing up .

you wiped your tears off . when the both of you watched tangled for the first time , you guys would cover your eyes at the kiss scene . now , you both didn't . as soon as the kiss scene was right in front of the both of your faces , you watched it while kazuha placed both his hands on your cheek , making you turn to him .

the both of your noses were touching and you could feel his breath . the both of you closed your eyes and kissed each other for as long as the kiss scene ended .

soon , the both of you pulled away to get some air . you were smiling from ear to ear , as well as kazuha .

he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in , making you lean against his shoulder .

the air-conditioning was really cold for you , but kazuha's warmth melted it away . now , you guys weren't focused on the movie . instead , you both were staring into each other 's eyes , wondering what next .

he places your hands in between his hands and looked at them , then looked back at you . " i never properly said it , but will you be my girlfriend ? " he said , he was really flustered right after saying that .

you gave him a small kiss on his cheek . " i was already yours to begin with , kazu . "

his eyes widened as he heard the nickname you've given him . " look who's giving nicknames now ! weren't you the one who said you didn't like nicknames ? " he teased and poked your cheeks .

you laugh . " guilty ! " you said , raising both hands in the air .

" guys , im back ! the movie over ? " heizou said , quite loudly .

" shush . " kazuha said , placing a finger on his own lip while you rest in his arms .

heizou nodded and gave kazuha a blanket for you to use .

" it all worked out in the end for the both of you , im glad . " heizou smiled .

kazuha smiled back at him . " thanks for encouraging me to look for her and thanks for covering up for me . "

" no problem bro ." he said , giving kazuha a fistbump .


soft side ; k. kazuha √Where stories live. Discover now