Chapter 15: The Final Fight, The Promise (Soren vs Riser vs Kazuya and Heihachi)

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All the devils and Nora's group are watching the magic screen by Soren and Riser, facing against the final showdown.

Issei: Come on Soren! Kick Riser's ass!

Saji: Show that birdy bastard not to mess with you or us!

Asia: You can do it Soren! I'll be cheering up on you!

Koneko: I wanna see him suffer by pain.

Sona: A battle between the Son of Phenex against the Hybrid of God, this is getting interesting.

Tsubasa: I'm already speechless. Really, Soren is a half-god of hybrid all this time.

Ruruko: Me too Tsubasa, good thing he's in our side.

At the battlefield, Riser is still having a cocky smirk on his face like he's going to win but Soren doesn't give a shit but a boredom look.

Riser: You should never talk back to superiors like Riser—

Soren: Yeah, Yeah, whatever you say. But before we fight, I gotta do something about my clothes since you burn my tuxedo.

Soren spread his arms and it shines by change into a blue Gi trench outfit.

Soren: Whoo! That's better, now I'm ready to fight.

Riser: Show off....

Grayfia: Are you both ready?

Riser: *smirk* Riser is always ready.

Soren nod.

Grayfia: Begin!

Riser jump off to the midair, sprout his fire wings and summon his fireball and shoot several times at Soren but he slap the fireball like it was nothing but a bluff. Then Riser summon a giant fireball both of his hands over the top of his head.

Riser: Let's see if you can handle this, human trash! DIE!!!

Riser send the giant fireball towards Soren but standing still and is getting closer as it hit the ground and it explode around him as it seen the smoke. When the smoke clears out, Soren isn't there when Riser laughs maniacally.

Riser: You see?! No one ever disrespect the superiors like me! Gwahahahaha!!!!!!

But he didn't know for a sec when he heard the lightning rumble up in the sky and see the dark gray clouds as it spreading out. Then the lightning struck in every directions and turns into a pillars of lightning.

Riser: What's this?!

Issei Whoa! Okay that is awesome how he did it!

Kiba: Guess he can create the storm.

Ravel and the girls are now getting nervous if he's going to lose but Nora walk in and place Ravel's shoulder.

Nora: Don't worry Ravel, Soren knows how to handle it. In case you're wondering, he's only testing your brother if Riser is capable a worthy to be Soren's opponent.

Ravel: But.....

Serafall: She's right Ravel, Soren may have the power of the god but he's very experience of a martial arts fighting style.

Rias feels a little bit reassured what would happen to Soren, but she's still believe in him.

Rias: *thought* I sure hope what your doing, Soren.

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