chapter 2: the rising star part 1

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"So, how was school today?" My sister asked me as she ate her ice cream.

"'Twas fine, except my first period" I answered while preparing my straberry banana ice cream.

"Why? Did the professor scold you?"

"No, he was very much late. And then when he arrived he grouped as into pairs with our seatmate, and then I was paired to this annoying guy, gosh he's so annoying. Who does that guy think he is?!" I said rambling when I remebered that guy.

"Why? What happened between you two?" She asked raising her eye brows at me.

So I told her how I bumped into him and our conversation when I introduced myself.

She had a laughing fit when she heard how I bumped into him.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that you bumped the wall and into him. How clumsy can you get? And falling on him again?" She said and laughed so hard.

I looked at her waiting for her to finish, she realized that it was not funny to me and she stifled her laugh and quieted down.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said, smiling.

"But oh my gosh Jan, that was really embarassing huhu.." I banged my head on the table. She just laughed at me. What a sister.

"So, do you like him?" She suddenly asked.

I accidentaly spit my banana at her face.

"What the heck? Ewww Elle!" She said wiping her face.

"Sorry, that was a shocking question you know"

"Hello? How is that shocking? It's a pretty normal question" "uh duh? Have you been listening to me?"

"You only act like a bitch when you like a guy Elle. I know you"

"That's not it. It's because he's so rude, and he's eyes are so magnetizing. He's very intimidating."

"Yep you like him alright" she patted my shoulder as if comforting me.

Ugh. Why????

"Hey let's go to a club on friday night. K?"

"But I don't want to."

"Oh cmon sis, I'm going back on Saturday, and I just wanna have fun with all things happening to me."

Oh great now she's guilt tripping me.


"Yes!" She jumped excitedly and hugged me. "Love yah sis! I'm gonna give you a major make over"

I'm gonna regret agreeing to this.

Days passed quickly and it's already Friday. I tried really hard to be patient with Jhake. Yep, his name is Jhake Austen. He didn't tell me, I just found out when we wrote our names in a piece of paper for our group.

We don't talk much, only when there are stuff related to our pair work. I even have his number. I'm telling you it wasn't easy asking for it from him.

"Hey Austen!" I called out to him when he was in the hallway. When I catched up to him, I held out my phone, "Can I get you're number?"

"For what?"

"Uh Duh? In case I need it for our work?"

"You can just do it own your own"

"Dude, c'mon. You're wasting time here"

After staring at me like I'm a tiger wearing a dress, he finally gave it to me.

*end of flashback*

"Oh Elle!!"

Oh no, my horror starts now.

She made me turn my back from the mirror, she plucked my eyebrows, it so damn hurts, then she put make up on me. After she was done with my hair and make up, she gave me a bright red dress.

"NOPE" I refused, crossing my arms and shaking my head at her.

"Please Elle, just this once" at smiled at me.

"Ugh, fine. Let's do this and be done with it"

Finally wearing the red dress I went out of my bathroom.


"What? What is it?" I panicked.

"You look stunning Elle"

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