Dabi- NSFW Alphabet

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A- Aftercare
Surprisingly a bit more caring than you think. Like not super caring like running a bath or massage, but he will go get you water and make sure you aren't uncomfortable or in any pain. He gets carried away a lot so when that happens and you get to sleep, he'll say sorry as he does truly care for you just doesn't show it.

B- Body
His: He likes his hands because he can wrap them around your throat, pull your hair, and/or pleasure you which makes you moan which is all he wants to hear. He wants you to let him know he is making you feel good. He secretly is scared to hurt you (too much/bad).

Yours: He likes the main three a.k.a boobs, ass, and thighs. He likes to bite and kiss them when he gets really into it, but he also likes the feels of them and he KNOWS that you enjoy it when he grabs at them when he's really in the mood/very very often. Also, he leaves scratch marks on them instead of hickies when y'all are having a quickie.

C- Cum
He doesn't want children (just yet...) but he loves the feeling of cumming inside of you so he is just has Plan B in stock, like I can just fucking imagine a drawer dedicated to sex where 80% of the drawer is Plan B, your BC, and condoms for the times you request it (but I can just imagine they holes in them from one of the other villains trying to fuck with Dabi).

(The other 20% is you know what a.k.a sex toys because he likes to tease and edge you a lot)

D- Dirty Secret
He lowkey has a both a pyrophilia and dacryphilia kink. 
- Pyrophilia: Fire kink
- Dacryphilia: Crying kink

So he wants to make sure you're not in pain but also wants to use his quirk on you to see if you are into it. And the whole crying kink is just him being a sadist which I think a lot of us assume he is.

E- Experience
You were not his first but he is determined to make you his last because you are his forever now, he won't admit it but he's in LOVE with you. He hasn't had a full-fledged relationship before you because he just wants hook-ups, one night stands, and whatever but when he came to the realization he loved you, he was determined to make sure you stay his.

F- Favourite Position
He loves almost all positions (you can decide which he is not okay with) but he especially likes you on your hands and knees because of the view but same goes for you riding him. Anyways, he always likes your on your hands and knees because he can grab your hair and neck and drag you up so your back is against his chest.

G- Goofy
He'll acknowledge any joke you make after sex, but you gotta know your limits because if you crack one to many he'll leave the room and make you think about your words until you overthink everything and run to him apologizing. 

But if you are trying to challenge him during, he will make sure you know he is in charge. I pray for your legs.

H- Hair
HONEY! HE LOVES YOUR HAIR! He likes to run his fingers through it, play with it until you sleep, and obviously pull it because he's a kinky bitch which I will discuss later. Though he will not pull it is you really hate it but he will still accidentally do it sometimes because he gets carried away. 

He also likes his hair being played with, only when he is angry or upset and trying to relax/sleep. He can be a softie for you and only you.

I- Intimacy
He's not a super intimate/make love kinda guy. He can be romantic on your birthday but only for a while before he goes how he knows you both like it. But he loves to be intimate in any way with you, makes him feel like you care for him too, which you obviously do.

J- Jack Off
Horny bitch, all I can say. He will call you all hours of the day and night just to ask you to come over and hook up (that is if you are away from him) but on the off chance you can't be with him, he will take care of himself, just imagining you are riding him and imagining everything the way he wants it to go.

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