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Theodore POV

I waked up by a dirty dream and I know I was all turned on and I sat up covering myself and I see all three looking at me with a smirk and Salvador said

"Such a dirty boy moaning in your sleep.."

I felt myself blush because of how embarrassing It was for them to hear that and I look away and I said

"Get out..you guys are bad influence for me"

I hear them chuckle and I turn to them with a glare and I said

"I'm going back home if you guys think this is funny.."

I pouted and salvador walks up to me and he grabs me by the throat gently and he said

"It's adorable not funny sweetheart.."

He gets close to my face and he kisses me and I kiss him back immediately and I felt lick my lips for permission so I open my mouth slightly and he shoves his tongue into my mouth and I accidentally let out a moan making me break the kiss and move my head back and he chuckles and he said

"You really want me sweetheart..stop fighting it"

I wrap the blanket around my waist and I get off the bed and I said

"Nope you got to work for it..and I'm not that easy"

I walk to the bathroom and I said

"I will be jerking myself off inside the bathroom.."

I turn to then and I rash inside the bathroom when I saw them walking towards me and I was about to close the door but Klaus put his feet in and forcing the door to not close and I move away from the door and I take my shirt off and I felt arms wrap around me and I said

"Stop I need to shower.."

I felt a hand around one of my nibbles and then he pinch it making me feel kinda weak because pain is my body weakness but I move his hands away and I turn around and I push him away gently after I knew it was Klaus and I said

"All of you get out before I actually leave to my castle.."

I put a hand over my nibble and I see them not moving so I sigh and my eyes glow blue making them kinda shocked and Klaus said

"Are you mad at us this fast"

I shake my head and i said

"I'm annoyed"

I took a deep breath and I calm down then I snapped making a portal behind me and I walk backwards then I get in and I close it fast after seeing them walking towards it and I look around my room and I lock the door and then I put the blanket on the bed

I walk to the bathroom and I take my clothes off and I see I'm still hard so I lock my bathroom door and I get in the shower after I put the right temperature and I put shampoo on my hand and I rub it on my hand then I wrap my hand around my dick and I start jerking myself off fast until I came without a warning and I wash myself and then I turn the water off

Then I wrap a towel around my waist and I walk to my walking closet and I turn the light on and I pick some tight rip black pants and an oversized blue button up.. then I changed into the outfit and I grab my crown that had blue crystals and I put it on and I walk out of my closet and I close the door and I grab ring that match my outfit as well as necklaces and then I hear knocks on my door and I said

"Who is it!"

I hear a chuckle behind the door making me realize it was Salvador making shivers going down my spine and I walk to the door slowly and I heard Salvador said in a demanding tone

"Open the door sweetheart"

I open the door and i stare at him and I see his dominant aura coming out of him and I move back and he comes in and he closes the door and he grabs me by the neck making me look at him and he said

"You know you did something wrong..or else you wouldn't be this quiet.."

I take a deep breath and I kept looking at him and I said

"I have something important do and I just changed.."

He let out a chuckle and he lets go of me and then he said

"That can wait now remove your clothes and fold it gently on your chair near the window.."

I pouted and I said in kinda a whining tone

"I just took a shower.."

He lifts up an eyebrow and said

"Are you disobeying me"

I sigh and I walk to window and I close the curtains making the door kinda dark and i gently take my crown and I put on the table as well as my rings and necklaces and then I turn to him and i unbuttoned my shirt and I take it off and I fold it and put it on the chair as well as my pants..leaving me with my boxers on and he said

"Kneel in front of me.."

I walk to him and I kneel in front of him putting my hands behind my back while looking and I hear him chuckle

I know what's going to happen next...I'm doomed and hopefully he goes easy on me...

943 words

I'm sorry this is a short chapter..

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