Auditions Part Two🎭

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No Ones POV

Angel walked down the halls to her locker and took out her clothes for the audition. She headed to her mothers office and got changed before going to the dressing room where she met EJ, Nini and Kourtney. "Gel hurry up let me do your hair and make up as you have to go do something quickly!" Kourtney shouted at her new best friend who chuckled and went and sat in a seat next to Nini but EJ was in between them sitting on the make up table. "So Neens you nervous?" Angel asked. "A little I guess I've never gone for the lead before." Nini answered and Kourtney was braiding Angel's hair.

"Well if i know anything don't be okay I know my mother and if anything she would be stupid to not give you Gabriella." Angel replied. a few minutes later Kourtney has done Angel's hair and makeup and Angel had to go. "Sorry guys but i have to go and make sure everything is set up. So break a leg both of you. Love you guys lots. Byeeeeee!"

What Angel's outfit looks like

EJ turned to Nini saying "I'm actually really bummed that we don't have any competition here

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EJ turned to Nini saying "I'm actually really bummed that we don't have any competition here. It makes getting the leads all the sweeter." Nini smacked him saying "Can you stop tempting fate? Plus Gel is auditioning and she's a Broadway Star!" EJ smiled at her and she smiled back saying "Okay! Whatever! I got this!"

Ms Jenn knocked on the door walking in with her daughter who has the audition number plate 1 on her. "Okay theatre people!" Angel called. Her mom claps "Let's do this"Ms Jenn finished smiling at her and everyone. Ms Jenn left and Angel turned towards the group saying quickly "don't be nervous. You all will be amazing in your own special way" Angel then winked and left the room prompting everyone to follow her.


Angel is at the front next to someone who is trying to match her and Angel is thinking how good she is when she hears Carlos shout "Five, Six, Seven, Eight!" We started doing the choreography for 'Stick To The Status Quo'. "Yes. Come on One!" Angel heard Carlos cheer for her. After the rest of the dance Carlos turned to Ms Jenn and said "that's it for the warm up". Angel smiled and walked off to the wings passing by Nini and EJ squeezing Nini shoulder as she passed. Nini gave her a smiled.

"Everyone pair up. Not! With a friend. And Angel come to Carlos and I please!" Angel did what her mother asked and walked towards the two with a smile on her face. Angel turned to Carlos and asked "How did I do Los?" Carlos did a quiet squeal and that made Angel chuckle shaking her head. She turned to the front of the group with a smile on her face and it grew when she made eye contact with EJ then Nini.

Angel stood in between EJ and a girl who she found out is called Gina as her mother and Carlos walked down handing out scripts to the people they think should audition for what character. "Hey your Angel right?" Angel heard Gina asked her. She looked to the side and was met with Gina's eyes looking at her. "Yes I'm Angel. You are Gina Porter." She nodded. "So you mom is Ms Jenn then? Wow it must feel nice to know you already have the lead huh?" Angel furrowed her eyebrows and the brunettes opinion. EJ made a weird face at the two talking then shared a look with Nini who also has furrowed eyebrows. "I'm confused just because shes my mom doesn't mean I'm gonna get the lead" Angel said then turned towards the front indicating that the conversation is over.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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