Jinx: I'm gonna show you crazy

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I held onto Andy's hand as we walked through the halls. I saw our familiar group and we headed over there. When we got there i could tell the tension between everyone. It was all because of Austin.

Austin is my rival while in the ring, but his story goes so much farther. He started coming to the gym about a year ago, he had moved from a different state. He didn't know that i was taken, in a sense, so he tried to flirt with me. When i started ignoring him he kept chasing me. I finally told him i was lesbian and to get off my case but he still tried. Andy saw this and got upset punching him in the face. This lead to them fighting and Andy winning. Austin went to our rival gym but he didn't leave us alone. If i walked home alone from school i would get chased by these people who were trying too rap me.

Or that's what I'm guessing. And if anyone from our gym was alone outside of school They would get jumped. So we always traveled in groups of two or more.

Juliet was talking to me when i noticed a familiar blonde head walk past with another blonde who i knew as soon as everyone stopped talking. We watched Sara and Austin walk through the halls. She seemed a little distant from the world today and i knew that was my fault. When he got closer to her i let out a small growl which only Andy heard. Andy put his hands around my waist to keep me from going anywhere. When Sara moved around him to get too class i relaxed a little bit.

Austin noticed us and came over. I clenched my fists and this time Andy held both my hands so i wouldn't punch him.

"Hey guys. Long time no see huh. Its really funny seeing you here isn't it?" He spoke

"This is our school Jack ass now leave." Juliet spoke. Austin got in her face and Tyler put his hand on Austin's shoulder which caused Austin to snicker.

"Why would i leave. I couldn't have jinx so why don't i have her best friend?" He spoke looking at me. Andy let me go and i charged for him. I punched him in the face giving him a black eye and then threw him against a locker.

"You fucking touch her or hurt her i won't be hesitant to kill you." I spat in his face and pushed him against the locker moving away from him and back into Andy's arms. Austin spit blood on the floor and laughed.

"Oh jinx you never learn. I'll do what i want. Go ahead and kill me. you'll have more to deal with than just not being able too go anywhere alone." He laughed as he walked off to who knows where.

I turned into Andy's arms and he rubbed my back. I toned everybody out other than my own thoughts. I wish i could read minds so i could know what Sara is thinking right now. I need too keep her safe from him. That's all that matters right now. Is keeping Sara safe. If i have to apologize first to her about yesterday then i will. But i was going to keep her safe one way or another

I'm sorry it's so short. I honestly suck writing on my phone. I swear I'll try too make a longer chapter soon

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