Elina's memories

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Nowdays I feel okay. I'm just stressed out the most of my time. I don't get anxiety attacks very often anymore. But a few years back I felt really bad. I wouldn't go outside in the summer cause I tought that I would meet someone from school. It was because of my bad selfesteem. I thought that every one would think I was ugly or dumb. So I stayed inside most of that summer. I'm sad I did because I lost so much time. The only time I went outside where when I was with my best friend. We had known eachother for 13 years and I felt comfortable with her. But that summer she went on camp. I talked to her everyday by phone and when she came back home I thought that we finally would have our girls-nights and talk about everything. But she was changed. She had forgotten about me. I couldn't understand it. I man 13 years!
After that my anxiety just got worse. My only safe place had bin blown away.
The rest of that summer I stayed inside as much as I could and when my mom made me go outside I felt like a criminal hiding from every one that might judge me. I fought a lot with my mom who didn't understand my feelings and that was absolutly the worst time in my life.

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