Born To Die

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My eyes widened when I saw him. I slowly turned to my right to see him smiling at the interviewer. "What'd I miss?" He laughed as he looked down at me for a split second and back up at the interviewer.

"Pedro, oh my goodness, what a surprise. How are you?" She asked. "I'm doing good. im doing good. And what's your name?" He finally looked back at me. I was just starstruck. In awe.

"Um..." I was cut off by the interviewer. "Oh, I'm Michelle from people magazine," she said with a smile. Pedro still had his eyes on me when he said, "Nice to meet you, Michelle, but I was wondering who this was," he seemed in awe, too.

"Oh..." Michelle said and became silent. "I'm lily," I said with a shy smile. His smile became wider. " was nice meeting you, Lily," he said as he backed up and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I shuck it slowly, still in shock.

He then came close to my ear before he left and spoke gentle words. "Hopefully, I'll see you at the after party," and walked off without another word.


I was escorted to my seat. I sat with Angela Bassett, Florence Pugh, Paul Mescal, and Austin Butler. Me and Florence were talking pretty much the entire time. We've worked on a movie before, so it was easier to get along.

I exchanged a few words with Austin and Paul but not much. And Angela, omg I was just so starstruck I could barely speak.

Me and flo were pretty much drinking all night long because, truthfully, we didn't think we'd be winning anything tonight. The categories we were nominated in were paramount. There was no way.

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