Off To The Races

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My eyes fluttered open softly. The sound of birds and cars filled the air. I smiled at the beautiful morning. Something was off though.

My phone kept buzzing like crazy. My body felt sore like I just came back home from leg day. I rubbed my eyes in confusion and just as i was about to get up something held me back.

I was about to scream.

A man's arms were wrapped around me waist.

What the fuck???

Before I could fully process everything I heard banging on my door. I began to panic even more. I quietly and gently removed the man's arms from around me and threw on his shirt that was on the floor.

I quickly left the floor to get the door so he wouldn't wake up. I unlocked the door and my entire crew walked in like a stampede.

"Lily what the actual fuck?" My publicist yelled at me. "Georgia can you please keep it down it's like..wait what time is it?" I asked.

"Lily Rodriguez! It's 2 in the afternoon. We've been calling and texting you all morning and you wouldn't pick up and we told you we were coming over for God's sake" Georgia groaned in frustration and plopped on the couch.

She then looked over at my kitchen, squinted her eyes and sighed.

"Seriously lily..." she put her head in her hands. "What? What'd I do now?" I asked when I walked over to her. She stood up quick and walked to the kitchen and picked up something from the floor.


The thong was in her hands.

"Okay Georgia I can explain okay" I said with my hands up. "So this is why you missed your Oscar win yesterday? Over some stupid guy like always." She yelled at me like my mother.

The screams somehow woke the man in my bed up. "Lily?" Was all I heard. I didn't have the time in the morning to check out who the guy was. Could've been timothee. Could've been Paul. Could've been Austin for crying out loud but I didn't care.

"WAIT...Georgia... I won???" I said in surprise. Nobody answered me. They were all looking behind me. Omg was the guy cute? So it definitely wasn't any of the guys I just mentioned. If it was, Georgia would've ran them out by now but she didn't. I was panicking.

I slowly turned around to see someone completely unexpected. Pedro.

"Holy shit" me and my crew said all together.

Pedro had my blanket wrapped around his bottom area and his hair was all messy. "What happened?" He said as he walked over to the kitchen, opening my refrigerator door.

"Uh- you know what Lily I'm not even gonna ask how you pulled this off. Good morning pedro" Georgia said as she waved at Pedro and walked over to the door. Pedro waved back with a piece of bread in his mouth. "Lily check your messages. You won the Oscar for your category. Florence accepted it on your behalf so she might be coming over later so...I'd suggest you clean up this mess yeah? Yeah." She threw my thong on on couch. She opened the door and slammed it behind her.

She left my assistant and agent behind. They were like her puppy dogs. They quickly followed behind her. As the door closed behind her, the air became thick.

I felt awkward. I barely remembered what happened last night. I mean I remember the sex. Who could forget the sex? I just don't remember anything I said to make him come home with me.

I stood awkwardly in my living room and slowly made way across the room to the kitchen, grabbing my thong on the way over and stuffing it in the pocket of my shirt.

Pedro also was standing awkwardly in my kitchen munching on his loaf of bread. "Nice shirt" he started. "Thanks. Got it from a friend" I continued. "Do you remember anything from last night?" He asked me.

"I mean I could name a few things but not really" I spoke. A small giggle escaped from his lips causing me to laugh with him. "Sorry if this is weird for you. I know it was a rush. I mean we just met last night and we barely spoke to each other it's just..." i cut him off.

"It's not weird. Not to me" I lifted my head up to face him. God his face.

He was beautiful.

The way his lips parted whenever he took a nervous breath. The way his one strand of hair was dangling reaching his eye. The way he kept looking away from me in embarrassment.

"Is it weird for you?" I asked. He hesitated. "I mean...everything...last night was...perfect. it's just Lily you're not exactly in my age range so this is new to me" he said scratching the back of his head, walking closer to me.

"Does that really matter to you Pedro. I mean we're grown adults. Besides it's not like we're gonna start dating. This was just a one time thing you know?" I said. He crinkled his forehead.

"A one time thing? Lily after last night...I don't know how I feel about this being a one time thing. I liked whatever was going on. But if you dont wanna start anything I get it. The media you know." He said as he backed away again, heading towards my room.

I followed behind him. He later look off the blanket from his torso to reveal his bare bottom half. I quickly covered my eyes. "Woah you didn't have underwear on pedro?" I said loudly. "Lily we just fucked and you're complaining about my underwear. I swear to god." He ran his hands through his hair as he put his underwear and pants back on.

I uncovered my eyes and saw him walk over to me slowly. "Lily..." he spoke. "Pedro I really like you. I would really like to get to know you it's just...I've had a really rough past couple of months and I'm not sure I'm ready to jump into our age gap" I squeezed my lips together.

His hands moved to the buttons of my shirt, unbuttoning each button. I grabbed his hand softly to stop him. "Pedro." I said firmly. "Lily." He also said firmly. "I can't leave your apartment shirtless" he said with a blank face. His blank face made me giggle. I tried not to but it came out. "Im sorry" I kept laughing.

"It's not that funny lily." He said seriously. "Yes it fucking is. You're funny. And cute. And great in bed" I said recovering my memory from last night. "Aha so you do remember. Stop being bipolar" he said as he rolled his eyes at me. I shoved him over jokingly and began to unbutton my shirt.

I also wasn't wearing anything under. I slowly unbuttoned and the shirt dropped to the floor. "There." I said as I turned around and entered my bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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