nervous thoughts

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Wednesday walks to her next class, eager to avoid the ray of sunshine that usually follows her. In Wednesday's eyes, Enid was the last person she would ever want to date. But her heart told her otherwise. She couldn't figure out for the longest time what this feeling was, but after reluctantly consulting with Eugene after he pestered her, she came to a conclusion. As much as she hated to admit it, she liked Enid. And every interaction with the affectionate girl after her realization was made very nerve-wracking. There was no way Wednesday would admit her feelings, but also no way she could keep living like this.

She continued to pace quickly down the hallway, scanning every corner for Enid. Instead of finding her, she accidentally bumps into Bianca.

"Woah there Wednesday, you okay?" Bianca asks with a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine," Wednesday brushes off the question.

"Hold up, that doesn't sound like the Wednesday I know, no snarky remarks or morbid comments?"

"I told you I'm fine." Wednesday stares at a still unconvinced Bianca.

"If this is about Enid acting weird lately-"

Wednesday cuts her off, "What do you mean?"

"You haven't noticed?"


"You really are off in your own world sometimes."

"She seems the same as always, happy and uplifted. It's disgusting."

Bianca chuckles, "There's Wednesday."

"I never left."

"Sure, anyways if you find out what's wrong with Enid you should tell me. I've got a small suspicion though since she's acting the same way she did when she had a crush on Ajax."

"I need to get to class." Wednesday abruptly ends their conversation and walks away.

She's acting the same as when she had a crush... Wednesday thinks, she hasn't mentioned any other people since she and Ajax broke up.

After she's tired of trying to come up with excuses, the thought in the back of Wednesday's mind arises, What if she likes me?

No, that's stupid, she brushes it away. Only a fool would think such a thing.

But as the day goes on, Wednesday's mind is still filled with the thought of Enid liking her. Just forget it.

She continues her day forgetting these thoughts for the most part. Sometimes they'd come up again while seeing her in classes, but when Wednesday is committed to something, she gets it done.

As the end of the school day arrives, Wednesday trudges back to her shared dorm. As she walks in, she stares at the half of the room covered in color. For the first time ever, it doesn't make her feel utterly disgusted. She actually feels her heartbeat pick up. Just by seeing Enid's side of the room, she's reminded of her previous thoughts.

Suddenly the door opens and a cheerful Enid runs in. Wednesday is snapped out of her state and looks at the taller girl. She's decked out in color, like always. And as Wednesday meets her eyes, she swears she sees a blush forming on Enid's cheeks. There's no better time than now I guess, Wednesday thinks, not believing the statement to be true at all, but too tired of wrestling with her hypotheticals.

After taking a deep breath she asks, "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

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