her power

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Wednesday did not expect what she walked in on. Enid was hunched over the sink, her werewolf claws digging into the countertop. Her face was dripping wet, as she hadn't wiped the water off yet. Before Wednesday could even think about what she thought Enid could be doing, Enid looked over at Wednesday. Her face turned red instantly. This was easier for Wednesday to notice, as the bathroom lights were highlighting her pale skin.

"Are you okay?" was the only thing Wednesday could muster out.

Enid still stood in silence, her mind racing and her heart beating as her crush she was just thinking of was standing right in front of her.

Wednesday took a step into the bathroom, her eyes examining the other girl more than they had before. As she noticed Enid's heavy breathing and look of surprise, her heart picked up. There was a sort of urge that rose in her that she couldn't explain. She thought back to the previous weeks, only now thinking of and finally realizing the ways in which Enid had been acting peculiar. Not making eye contact, routinely looking away from Wednesday, and much more. It clicked in her brain. She should've known this whole time that Enid had a crush on her. If she hadn't been so caught up in her own feelings, she would've already realized.

"You look nervous," she says, taking a few more steps towards Enid. She had a sudden surge in confidence, a certain power rising in her.

"Huh?" Enid says, her face growing redder.

"I said, you look nervous."

Enid goes silent.

"Do I make you nervous?" Wednesday asks.

Enid backs away from Wednesday, eventually hitting a wall. Wednesday continues moving towards her, noticing all the little cute things she does when she gets flustered. She smiles, which surprises Enid, but doesn't help calm her down. Enid shrinks into the wall, her heart beating faster and faster. As Wednesday approaches her, she realizes she's now looking up at her instead of down, as she usually does. Wednesday realizes this too, and she decides to take advantage of it.

"What happened?" Wednesday jokingly asks, slamming her right hand on the wall and trapping Enid, "You don't seem to have any more clever remarks now, do you?"

Wednesday leans in towards Enid until she's only a few inches away from her body. Wednesday's heart is beating just like Enids, but she doesn't show it. Seeing Enid become so flustered by her gave Wednesday a sense of power and control over Enid. Using this newfound power, Wednesday decides to make a big move towards Enid. She uses her free hand to cradle the other girls face and stroke her lips with her thumb as her eyes examine them. Enid's heavy breathing continues, slowing down. Wednesday feels her breath on her fingers, and her breathing slows down to match Enid's. Enid raises her arm up, and holds onto Wednesday's other arm that's still placed on the wall over her shoulder, using it to stabilize herself and stop shaking so much.

"Is this okay?" Wednesday whispers, bringing her thumb back down to Enid's chin and bringing her face even closer to the other girl's.

Enid nods, scanning her eyes over Wednesday's lips before bringing them back up to meet her gaze.

Wednesday leans in and softly kisses Enid's lips.

I initially planned for this to be a short story, so sorry to all the people who had seen the now deleted 4th chapter. I realized there was nothing else I had planned for the story and decided to go back to my original ending. So this is the end. Hope you enjoyed :)

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