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"Now... Shall we get started~"
Hyunjin was so close to felix as felix closed his eyes as hard as he could, hoping that this was all a dream and he would wake up from this nightmare. Hyunjin stops and looks at felix in the eyes clearly he didn't want what ever hyunjin was gonna do he sighs and he gets up and put his coat on "Hey" felix says "Uncuff me" Hyunjin smiles and holds up the key for the cuffs on the end of the bed. "Then come get it." "H-HEY, that's no fair. i can't reach." felix screams out as hyunjin leaves the room. "UGH," felix says with a frusrated face. he looks around the room to see what he can do and sees the "toys" he grabs it and trys to get the key laying down on the bed and after a few trys he finally got it and unlocks the cuffs and quickly runs out to find his co-workers at his table geting ready to leave "Oh hey felix i thought you left" his co-worker says with a smile "Im about to leave i was just grabing my phone and heading out" felix says and yawns trying to forget what just happened.

He walks out and takes a taxi back home to find his parents sleeping. well, of course they would be sleeping it was already midnight. felix takes a shower and gets ready for bed since he had work tomorrow. He lays in bed thinking about that little incounter he went through and slowly falls asleep only to have that incounter again and this time he couldn't see well it like lase type of ribbon covering his eyes "W-what is t-this" felix says as he hears footsteps "you like what i did kitten~..." Felix froze as he heard a familiar voice."W-WHO ARE YOU? " "Aww, what a pity.. you dont remember my voice?" He slowly takes off the ribbon that was covering his eyes and..."IT YOU!?" felix says with fear in his eyes, and he feels weak as he sees that he is tied up. "Oh, you remember me now~" It was hyunjin, and he had a smirk on his face as he was on top of felix.

"And this time, im not stopping." says hyunjin. As hyunjin was leaning for what seemed to be a kiss, felix tried to avoid his kiss, Hyunjin grabbed felix by the chin and kissed him. Felix closed his eyes as tears were forming in his eyes he felt something as he was kissing hyunjin and opens his mouth but hyunjin was already exploring his mouth, Felix felt like passing out hyunjin stops "Aw you're already going away..." hyunjin says pouting "Well thats fine. We'll be seeing each other a lot." Once hyunjin finished his sentence, felix passed out.

Felix opened his eyes and realized it was only a dream and got up as he was covered in sweat. Felix gets up and goes to take a shower. after that, he was already getting ready for work, but he gets called down by his parents to see them sitting on the couch. felix thought it must be about money.

"honey we have inportant news for you" its mother says with an envelope "YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!" his mom and dad say with a happy smile on their face, meanwhile felix feeling so many emotions and none of them were happy emotions his parents gives them the envelope and already sees they signed it with a...man..named.."Hyunjin?" Felix says as he "never" met a hunjin before "Oh darling look at the bottom" his mother says with her hands cuffed together. On the bottom of the paper says that every month there was be a allowance of 1 million dollars to the guardian of Party A (felix) and if party A wants a divorce then party A will have to pay 10x more. "WHAT!?" Felix shouts with confused angry "what's wrong darling?" He looks at his mother who has a confused face "mother why you sign this without my approval?!" "What do you honey don't you see how much we get if you marry this man?" "Are you really selling me off for money..." felix says with a annoying face before his mother could speak he stomped back to his room forgetting about going to work. He locks his room and starts to cry feeling betrayed by his on parents who he thought that they loved him but before he started to wipe his tears he hears the door knock and muffling, Felix thought it must've been the person he was marrying , he takes one last look at the paper and just gives up and walks down stairs "OK mother ill marry this person.." he says in defeat "Oh honey thank you" she says and kisses his forehead and turns around to go the living room and see his soon-to-be husband facing his back to felix he walks passed his to sit on the other side grabing the tv remote and looks up and suddenly freezes up. "Hello darling~ did you miss me?" Felix suddenly stand up in fear "Y-you're hyunjin" felix stuttered in shock "indeed I am but don't worry you'll be calling me honey anytime soon" hyunjin says winking at felix. Felix, runs to the kitchen like when a kid doesn't get what he wants walks up to his mother who was making snacks for the guest "Mother I can't marry him!" Felix says almost out of breath "W-Why not" his mother asks "He was so sweet when I met him at the door?" "No he's a bad person..h-he" before he was trying to finish his sentence he felt something behind him "Oh hyunjin sorry am I taking too long I'm sorry we won't have anything to suit your taste" his mother says with her hand on her cheek" Felix quickly ran behind his mom "Oh whats wrong honey are you okay don't worry it was just your husband" "Mom make him leave I'll marry someone else. Anyone other than him ill marry just please not him" felix says with his puppy eyes Hyunjin chuckles and smiles "Why not he's a sweet person" his mother turns to hyunjin and smile in happiness "B-B-because he's a..." Felix trys to go up to his mother ear "he's a pervert.." felix says hoping hyunjin didn't hear but of course he probably heard "Felix Lee! You can say that about your husband that's rude!" His mother says "Now out of my kitchen go with hyunjin while I make dinner" and drags hyunjin and felix out of the kitchen.

Felix looks up in fear and runs up to his room, hyunjin giggles "oh we"re playing this game again?.." and walks up stairs to go to felix room but to his surprise felix locked it "Darling~~ open the door~~." Hyunjin says there's no response hyunjin being smart as he owns a company was slowly acting like he was walking about as felix had his ear to the door trying to hear if he left, after some time felix slowly opens the door only to meet hyunjin once again and quickly close the door but he was too late hyunjin held on the door "H-hEy let go!" Felix demanded "Honey I'm getting bored of this game..let's play a different one" hyunjin with one arm opens the door wide pushing felix closer to him as he was holding on to the door nob he quickly let's go and runs to the bathroom but sadly that door didn't look soon he was leaving hyunjin was already coming back after locking the door coming near felix felix gulped in fear as he was trying to find something to defend himself with hyuning grabs his arms drawing him to the bathroom and into the shower closing the door and pinning felix baby looking hand over his head with one hand "So honey.." hyunjin starts to talk "when do you want the wedding or we don't have to have a wedding I prefer we just have the wedding night" as hyunjin was talking "felix was about to scream for his mom to come over but hyunjin quickly covers his mouth "What are you trying to do." Hyunjin says in a deep voice "I hope you know the penalty if you want pay up then i suggest that you stay quiet about this." Hyunjin staring at felix hears a creak above them hyunjin looked up and sees the shower pipe burst open, hyunjin covers felix with his chest and arms gets wet while felix opening his eyes to feel droplets driving on his face sees the shower head on the floor he looks at up at hyunjin as hyunjin looked annoyed and starts to walk back to his bedroom with his hand on his shoulder he sat on felix bed. Felix comes out and looks at hyunjin in concern "Hey are you okay" Hyunjin looking back at felix relized felix was looking him "Don't worry pumpkin I'm fine" he smiles, felix walking back to his bathroom not believing what hyunjin says grabs a health kit and comes back to hyunjin "I don't care about you but I don't want my mom to beat my ass so I'm doing this not because I care for you felix says pouting, hyunjin smiles at the comment. Felix comes closer "Hey" hyunjin looks back at felix in confusion as felix eyed locked at hyunjin chest "Why...you want a closer look?" Hyunjin says with a smirk on his face."H-Hey!...that's not, I mean..." hyunjin looks at felix, tilting his head as he pouted in confusion."Unbuttoned your shirt damn...you idiot.." felix says as he looks away, not locking eyes at hyunjin. Hyunjin chuckles and unbutton his shirt, taking off his shirt halfway, felix looking back, and stops for a second "Hey don't try anything, or I'll hit your wound really hard." As felix got closer he looks at his wound and sighs looks at hyunjin which hyunjin was not paying attention felix helps his wound and bandages it up after that he quickly gets up trying not to stay far away from hyunjin. Felix goes back to the bathroom and puts back everything to come back to an empty room. felix with no emotion walks back downstairs to see his mom making dinner. "Hey mom, where hyunjin?" Felix asked. It's not like he cared for him he just wanted to know if was gone "oh honey he left he said he had some business to attend and told me he would back to pick you to go home " felix stopped looking in the fridge looks at his mom "what.." felix says with a shock face."What..you didn't know that?" His mom said "UhUh Im not living there!" Felix demanded "Honey there's rules to this marriage you don't him living here in this broken house? Do you." Felix sighed in defeat as she bought up the money they would have to pay,"and I think that you guys will be a great couple it just takes time, dear." His mother says as she was making dinner. Felix walked to the living and just sat on his phone waiting for his doomsday..

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