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"What- who's calling my name..."
"I-I can't see.."

"You should've never escaped..."
"You hurt my feeling felix felix~..."

"Who..who a-are you..I-I can't see you!?"

"Oh right, hold on."

The thing covering his eyes was removed he slowly opened his eyes. It was all pitch dark..

"I-I, is this a dream?"

"Awh darling, you look so cute when you're confused~"

Felix turns to follow this voice that sounded awfully familiar..

"W-where are you.." felix stutters

The voice stopped..
"How bout we change the scene, shall we.."

Before felix could even speak, everything changed it was..quiet..

Felix was amazing at the scene it was..the ocean its was felix favorite places to his hometown in Australia. He smiled faded once he felt hands on his shoulder he quick turns out dumbfounded, and then..


"Did you miss me." It was hyunjin with cold eyes and a cold smirk. He said, moving closer to felix, making him walk backward until he was stopped by the fence. felix had nowhere to go

"I-I..." felix couldn't even have any words.

"Come on darling, use that cute mouth of yours~"


"Hmm~.." hyunjin looks down at felix stuttering lips and then moves closer to felix until there was no space between them felix had his hands on hyunjin to make him back off but that didn't stop him from coming closer and then hyunjin kisses felix which cause felix to wiggle and hitting hyunjin to stop. Hyunjin kept nibbing on felix lips to open his mouth, and then he quickly bit his bottom lip, which cause felix to open, and hyunjin quickly shoved his tongue in felix..

Felix was trying to gasp for air he felt like he was holding his breath. Hyunjin opened his eyes, still kissing felix, whose eyes were squinting in fear. hyunjin could see that felix was stuggling, but that didn't stop him. After almost a minute, hyunjin lets go felix completely, and he falls, catching his breath. Hyunjin looked annoyed, then looked down at felix, then came down at his level

"See you soon..."

Then everything went black...

Felix eyes sprung open, and he realized it was all a dream. After looking around to see he was in yeonjun's house, he sighed in relief. Before he got up, the doors to his room swung open


It was beomgyu and soobin beomgyu.

"Hey, what's up?" Soobin says

"The sky." Beomgyu said back, giggling

"Shut the hell up, you know what I meant idiot."

"Why are you sweating? You look like water was dumped on your face," soobin says, coming closer to felix

"Are you sick?" Beomgyu says, sitting on felix's bed

"Oh no, I just had a nightmare, I guess..." felix says in confusion

"Well, go wash up today. we're all going out." beomgyu days smiling

"Where to?"

"Just places. Why do u not wanna come?" Soobin says

Goodnight~~ Where stories live. Discover now