So hello my fellow fangurls ❤️
Here's my little heart to heart message: Percy Jackson movies suck. The books are waaaaaaaayy better.😂👏
I hope you guys enjoy my lil book. We're on air in 5-4-3-2-1
Let us begin with The Hunger Games (and getting to know all you people)
Qotd: fav character?
Someone's reply: oh yeah that dude who's the first one to die! (I know I know. That's a very good answer)
What's your OTP?
Just leave a comment! What do you want to hear about and talk about?
The How To Guide On Fangirling
RandomEverything you need to know about being an over obsessed, constantly believing fangirl. And no; this is not the type of book where you just sit on your toilet and meh whatever. Warning: PLEASE FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. If...