no, it's not my funeral day, y'all are killing me slowlyjust kidding! love you!
it's not NEW YEARS Eve! this year flew by fast and well, im just gonna be unoriginal and write down the best things that have literally happened this year:P
January 2015- well, the new year had begun and i turned 12 on January 2nd so that was a start. i had met my best friends slash family in school, and honestly, even though tej the total jerk faced monkey eating grasshopper was there, i liked it with my family: advika7728 kay-kay_13 An1234Finstad LilyLuna13anuLyliL CharCharOfAnimejust not the school part.
The How To Guide On Fangirling
RandomEverything you need to know about being an over obsessed, constantly believing fangirl. And no; this is not the type of book where you just sit on your toilet and meh whatever. Warning: PLEASE FOR ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. If...