You Take Priority

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Before the story begins, I must remind you all that all characters and names within the story are fantasy characters within this work of fiction, and in no way portray how the members of Ateez act in reality.



A group of three young men sat under a tarp, covered in soot, dust, and grime, as rain poured down into the destroyed city. All of them were battered to an extent from the battle that had taken place mere hours prior. In the beginning, they had been a group of 8, but now they were only 3. The others had been separated at some point and time while bullets flew through the air.

Yeosang had been watching the rain fall for what had to have been at least an hour as the other two rebels tried to get their comms up again. He was unsure of what use he could be at this moment, due to the fact his skills came into play only when a loaded gun sat in his grasp and an enemy was in his drone's field of view. That and the fact it was pouring, his drone wouldn't possibly survive the weather.

"—sang. Yeosang!" A voice to his left whisper-yelled at him.

Yeosang snapped his head over to the voice, of Yunho, who was waving a communicator around.

"Did you get it working?" He whispered to Yunho as his eyes flickered to Mingi's back, the younger appeared to be looking for something.

"We got some static, which means the comms aren't broken and someone's on the other end. Mingi thinks it's the weather causing the comms to not work." The other shrugged.

Yeosang nodded, "So, there's a chance the others are alive still.." He mumbled under his breath to himself. Though, Yunho must've heard as the man's expression grew solemn.

"They have to be. Worst case scenario, they've been captured. Highly unlikely since all of them are stubborn as hell."

Yeosang grimaced at the thought. The other five members were all skilled in their specific fields. Everyone had a special role in the team, and with how long the rebellion had been fighting with its 8 creators, losing even one of them would be disastrous.

Yunho put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed with his signature comforting smile, "We'll get out of this alive. All of us. The others included. 8 makes one team after all." 

"8 makes one team!" Mingi whisper-yelled as he crawled over to the two others. A comforting smile sat on his face as well.

The three mechanics looked at each other for a minute or so in silence before Mingi broke it, "Did you see anyone or anything while we were messing with the comms, Yeosang?"

The brunette shook his head before gesturing towards the sky.

"The rains to heavy right now, speaking of which we should probably move. If I remember correctly there's a military camp a block or two to the west. They'll probably be on us the second the rain clears." Yeosang brushed some of his soaked hair out of his face. The makeup covering his birthmark long washed away with the weather. He watched as the other two seemed to realize that same fact as their eyes connected to a spot just next to his eye. "We'll be recognized when it clears."

Yunho reached over and ruffled his hair to cover the birthmark before switching to a crouch. The male let out a quiet yelp as his left leg nearly fell out from underneath him.

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