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"weh dah pukul 10 dah..kau taknak buat kumpul batch ke?" syazreen asked kahar who is laying on her lap in the middle of the field

"oh haah la jom aku kena jumpa fahmi ngan yang lain" he said while getting up from syazreen's lap

"jom" he said offering his hand


all of the form 4s and the high council now is in the school's hall

"harini kita akan adakan pemberian lesen" kahar said to the form 4s

then, kahar started to say all of the names to give them their licence

"nor naim bin firdaus ismet"

"akhir sekali, azam "ayam" bin anyau"

"dengan ini aku nobatkan kalian senior berlesen..tahniah kerana telah taat dengan tradisi kudrat!" kahar said as all of the "licenced" form 4s cheered and let out their shirts

"sepatutnya upacara malam ni sudah pun tamat..tapi apa kata kita tamatkan upacara kalini dengan sesi manifesto?" kahar said loudly as all of the form 4s cheered along

"dari rumah tuah..Nor Naim bin Firdaus Ismet!" kahar announced as the cheering gets louder

"untuk meminta restu daripada high council rumah tuah..Ahmad Fahmi bin Sazali!" kahar announced again

"weh macam mana nak menang dalam manifesto ni?" syazreen asked kahar

"kena cekik lawan sampai dia menyerah" he replied calmly making syazreen chocked on air

"bapak dia..nak cekik anak orang" she said as shock clearly shown on her face earning a chuckle from kahar

"haih naif betul budak ni" kahar whispered to himself while still smiling

after some minutes the fight ended and naim won as the crowd of form 4s cheered

"mantap ah naim! cenggini!" syazreen said while showing naim a thumbs up..naim just smiled happily to syazreen as an return

"calon high council rumah tuah..Direstui!" kahar said looking proudly at naim

after the manifesto session ended, all of the students goes back to their dorm leaving only syazreen and kahar

"kau nak aku hantar kau balik dorm tak?" kahar offered which was responded by syazreen with a simple nod

while walking, both kahar and syazreen talked about random things along the way..not realising day by day kahar and syazreen became so close to each other..almost inseparable..sometimes people would doubt..are they really just friends?

"okeyh dah sampai..aku gerak dulu jumpa esok..cinta hati" kahar said making syazreen turned red

"cinta hati? nickname baru ke?" she asked

"haah..mulai dari sekarang, aku panggil kau cinta hati je..takde sape yang boleh panggil kau cinta hati selain aku..okey?" kahar said while smiling

then kahar was about to walk to his dorm when syazreen called him again

"kahar!" she called

"apa dia cinta hati?" he responded

"ermm nak nombor kau..boleh?" she asked shyly while kahar just smirked looking at her state like a lovesick puppy

"nak ngorat aku ke?" he said while still smirking

"hotak mung..nanti senang la nak contact kau" syazreen said

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