Common Mistakes in a Zombie Outbreak.

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Never light a Zombie on Fire!

Although tempting, don't use fire in combat, especially against the undead. Most zombies are oblivious to fire, much less afraid of it, and although fire does eventually kill zombies, it takes quite a while to do so and since they are unfeeling, they will continue to come at you. Yippee, a zombie on fire. The flaming zombie is also a threat to your "base" and any supplies you have within it. Also, zombies reanimated through radiation are highly flammable and will set fire to pretty much anything. It's bad enough being chased by the undead, but do you really want to be chased by flaming undead?

Using a Close-Range Weapon.

Although melee weapons are common in Zombie films, games and books and many self-proclaimed experts will suggest the use of melee weapons, they should be a last resort only. The close range required to engage the zombie will increase the chance of getting infected by either bite or the blood splatter. Heavy objects such as hammers and axes aren't for beginners. Also, most melee weapons won't break a human skull in one hit, unlike in movies. Remember, while headshots are the most effective, blunt force trauma alone won't destroy a zombie, and damage below the brain will only slow it down. Aiming for the arms and legs are yet another way to go, as if the Zombie can't run or grab you, you'd have a better chance. Only use this method if you're against one or two Zombies, otherwise you'd be slowed down.

Underestimating the Undead.

Although Zombies are in essence the mangled, decomposed corpses of humans, that does not make them any less deadly. When in a zombie-filled environment, you must resist the temptation to underestimate them. Always remember, no matter how weak they are, they only need ONE good bite to finish you off. For starters, avoid close-range combat with ghouls, you have a much better chance of defeating the undead if you stay out of range of their arms. When you are fighting in close proximity to the walking dead, do not try to overpower it. Even if you do manage to wrestle it to the ground, it can easily bite your arm or hand, infecting you on the spot. On another note, don't underestimate the senses of the undead. Although they don't look like it, they have a good sense of hearing and can locate you if you make too much noise. That being said, don't set off any loud objects such as car alarms, air horns, fire alarms, smoke alarms, sirens or whistles. These can and will attract Zombies.

Another thing to remember: Zombies are no longer your loved ones. "Sentient" (zombies that act human) Zombies only exist in children fiction. They will not recognise friends and family; their sole motivation is to kill you.

Removing the head.

Two main ways to kill a Zombie are to remove the head or destroy the brain. Cutting the legs off will only make the zombie drag itself towards you. Depending on the Zombie anatomy, removing the head alone will make them immobile but it doesn't mean that they'll stop trying to infect or eat you. It'll just be a hindrance until they can bite you in the ankle. Play it safe and destroy the brain an insurance in case the Zombie finds an opportunity to bite you. It may seem stupid but a Zombie is still a Zombie.

Style over Substance.

It's generally the case that the more complex or overwhelmingly powerful the weapon you are using,  the greater chance you'll die (good examples of such weapons are chainsaws, large caliber handguns, machine guns and flamethrowers). The reason for this is simple and spans the entire history of human conflict. Societies have developed methods of warfare designed to be used with increasing efficiency against living enemies whereas conflict against the undead takes place on a more basic level with one goal: destroying the brain.

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