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Another dreadful day to start working, the inability to find that guy made me even more restless than I thought

I put my hair brush down and stare at myself in the mirror, I had just done my make up and was about heading out

I examine myself from my hair to my lightly pancaked face, black shadows, smokey eyeliner and bright red lipstick. I always loved how my eyes became more cat like after I had put on my eyeliner

I slowly got up and walked around my chair, took in my appearance in my black leather pants and bright read corset that matched my lipstick, I didn't want the rest of my arms and shoulders being all bare so I put on some red sleeves I bought along with the corsets. I looked down to my leather ankle pointed heel boots and back up to my accessories

Yeah I'm ready for business


I opened the door to my office to see my men all chatting and waiting patiently for me

"Good morning" I greeted as I walked in

"Well good morning dear boss" Leo said with a grin

"Never fails to impress" Jordan chimed in and all the guys broke into a chatter, talking about my makeup and outfit even though I look this good every other day

I just chuckled and walked past them and all the way behind my desk to my chair. They were my workers yeah, but over time I gave them the idea that even though I'm their boss, I could also be their friend so most at times they just switch from their 'yes right away boss' attitude to the men and loving angels they actually are

"Pablo, any news on who left the recorder?" I got down to business

"Nothing yet" he said

"I need your eyes and ears down, all of you, even the slightest news is important right now...." there was a knock on the door

Frank, being the last person in the room opens the door

"Good morning boss" Michael walks in

"Oh Michael, you're here early. Any news?" I gently tap my nails on my desk

"There is actually. There will be an event at Grey's hall and it's being held by Rex but there hasn't been any sight of him, not even the slightest." He said wryly

I chew slightly on my bottom lip

How am I sure this isn't a trap?

Rex wasn't the smartest, but he isn't the dumbest either. He knew I had eyes around searching for him so he wasn't going to make any move that would most likely cost him his life

"Is the event strictly by invite?" I asked Michael and he nodded

I turn to Alex "find a way to get me on the guest list before tonight" he was one of my most specialized hackers

"On it boss" he exits

"Pablo I want men circling the perimeters of that hall from now till the party starts" I instructed

"Will do" he nods

I look at the time on my phone

It was 9:34

"I need to go see Abel and there after sort out a few thing. Let's get to work"

All of them exit, including Michael. I pick up my phone, closed my curtains and left the office

Today's definitely gonna be a busy day


The car stops in front of Abel's 'palace' as he likes to call it. I really couldn't explain what the building looked like. It's a duplex but was kinda ashy in colour, it had other buildings connected at the sides and more or less looked like one of those almost haunted houses where wealthy people lived

Good enough description?

I ran my hand through my hair as I walked towards the house. Security was tight here, but not as tight as mine though. His men gave a slight bow before opening up for me to walk in. Abel was seated on one of his palace like chairs with a shot of tequila in his hand

"Ah Amanda" he cheerfully said, getting up from his seat

I stop a few feet away from him

"Long time no see Abel" I smiled

Abel is or rather was a friend of my parents but was closer to my dad. He worked with my dad while he still ran this business but kind of worked more for my dad than with him. He worked for him for over 20 years and before my dad died, he promised him that he was going to continue working, even if it was for me

"What have you been up to?" He asked

"Nothing much, just work things" I shrugged

"Please sit" he gestured while taking his seat

"Thank you" I sat

"Are you here about Rex?" He gulped his drink down

"No no, I'm here on a more serious issue" I cross my left leg over the other

"Which is?"

I stay silent for a while before asking "have you heard of the bastard the public say is my 'double'?" I hated when they said that

He ponders for a while "yeah yeah I've heard of him"

I nod "What can you tell me about him?"

He places his tequila glass on the table

"I can't tell you his name because I don't even know it. I don't really know much about him to be honest, I only know he's a Spanish Mafia boss who deals with drugs, guns and jewels. I also know he controls a gun cartel here in Spain and works with some specific gun shippers who gets a dozen weapons delivered almost every week"

I frown my brows "every week? Delivered to where?"

"I have no idea, his works are unknown"

What does he need so much guns for? I hated not knowing things. I need to find out where those weapons go

That could maybe be a start to something

Mafia Heiress Where stories live. Discover now