Thoughts of Lies .

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Your P.o.v :

It's been two weeks since Jacob came by my house with that little argument , i should've never got into there " Relationship " anyways now all i could think of was WHY ? As in , why was he so angry at me not his " Girlfriend " , why wouldn't he just face the fact it may not be his child ? , oh and why can't he ever look me in the god damn eye and realize how much i feel for him ? I began to tear up , all these questions needed answers but couldn't be answered if i was being ignored . Just thinking of my Best friend i knew for longer than 8+ years is ignoring me , i could never stay mad at him ? So why so angry at me ? And there it was again WHY ? I jumped at the sound of my ringtone " Your Favorite Song " played . It was the ringtone of one of my other Best Girl Friend's , and was also the sister of Jacob Perez . Masha Perez the beauty and Smart i love to call her . But at the moment , i was scared to answer . What if she's mad at me for Jacob , what if everyone is just mad at me . But i answered . " YN ? " she said with concern . " Yeaaaa ? " i said with my voice slightly cracking . " You have been in your house for two whole weeks , how come ? I haven't seen you in school or around the city ? Me , Mina and Chanelle are worried ? " i grew a smirk on my face , i was happy that they were caring for me not many people do . But why didn't Jacob tell her i thought to myself ? " Oh , um you mean you don't know ? " i asked . " Know what ? I know a lot of things ? " she paused , " Oh wait you mean about Alexa the skunk or skank they both work " She laughed ... i laughed . " Alexa is your brothers girlfriend and she deserves your respect although she smells like a skunk . And yea , about her and her child ? Jacob and i had an argument and i just can't get it out my head . " i said slowly . " You mean you can't get Jacob out your head YN ? , i know , Mina knows , Chanelle knows everyone knows but him . " she said with delight in her voice . " What , do you mean ? I don't like him okay I'm just worried about him . " i said trying to convince her . " Look , I'm tired of you worrying about him , he should be worried about you . And the baby Alexa has probably isn't even his . It might be John's or even Malik's . You know how she is . Okay , we are coming over ! Me , Mina , and Chanelle , tonight ! " she said with joy. I got up from my bed and looked straight in the mirror i looked horrible i need to get over this kid .. but i can't . But a girl's night will change my mood ! " Okay , be here by 8 i need a girls night ! " i said . She laughed " Okay , we will . Bye YN see you later . " i hung up ... Maybe this is a sign i thought i shouldn't be worried about Jacob he should realize that i love him ...

Masha's P.o.v :

Great , YN needs time to be around people . And what friend would i be not to invite our other two best friends Mina & Chanelle . Us four go way back , way before YN met my big brother Jacob and way before alexa became out high school enemy . As i walked in my home from walking around " Lex " my widdle widdle doggy . Well she's big now but to me she's so little . Jacob ran straight up to me once i walked in . . . i wonder what he wanted ?

Jacob's P.o.v :

Masha walked in and i over heard her talking to YN about today when she walked near our house . I couldn't help but to have to ask Masha if YN said anything . " Well , um Mashaaa . I over heard you talking to YN and um ... Did she by any chance say anything about me ? " i asked in hope . " Yea , maybe . Or maybe not ? Why do you care last time i checked you walked out on her when she tried to protect you ? About A DAMN BABY WHO MIGHT NOT BE YOURS ! " i looked stupid because my jaw dropped when she said might not be yours . It repeated in my head ... " Wait , what do you mean might not be mine , she was only with me for the period of time " i said worried and angry . " Was she really , or was she with someone else ? " she said with mystery she always does that and after she went upstairs to her room and slammed the door . . . . was Alexa really with just me ?

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