Secrets come out .

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Your P.o.v | 7:30 pm.

I still can't believe i saw Jacob today , just ugh . I can't stay mad forever but i just can't talk to him now . It's going to make me even more depressed . Calm down YN , don't cry . I just want Jacob to know i love him , maybe more than friends . All my ex's were the same and he has been there from the start of my 1st . Yea , me and Jacob sort've went out in 3rd grade through - 7th grade . Long right , but not really . We never acted together but knew we liked each other . We kissed once but a play . And trust me , that didn't feel fake ! But i don't want to like someone who don't even know i like him . Let alone love . But I'm to young for all these feelings , I'm 16 . Maybe its just ... i don't know . But anyways i set up my living room and kitchen for our girls night . Me and Masha , Chanelle , & Mina have been friends since 1st grade it's amazing how far we have come , were basically blood & then theres Jacob's friends that are blood to him Chresanto , Craig & Rayan . There friendship is like me and my girls friendship . It's amazing . But , when Chanelle started dating Craig we haven't been speaking cause' she and Craig have been " Busy " doing something . I laid down on the couch reading every text i got but didn't reply I only did to masha to see when she's coming . After 5 minutes ... Ding dong the door bell ...

Chanelle's P.o.v :

So Masha invited me and Mina to YN's sleepover . I haven't been speaking to YN that much . Mainly Alexa cause you know double dates ' Me and Craig & Alexa - & Jacob . So i've been busy talking about how other plans would be . I was surprised that YN wanted me to come over . But best friends stay together .... i hope . Welp , its 8. Masha'a outside .... lets see how this goes .

Nobody's P.o.v :

Ding Dong .

" Who is it ? " you said confused .

" Who you think it is heffa ? " masha yelled while laughing . You opened the door . You saw Masha with mad bags & Chanelle with so many more snacks & Mina holding the drinks . " Good thing it's a friday , did i mention that we're staying till sunday night ? " Masha said walking in seeing what you did . " Woah , i haven't been here in a while bruh . Hey Yn ? " Chanelle said hoping for a reply . " Hay - ! " you said while laughing . " Okay , so i brought movies and stuff . Like i didn't know which ones to bring so i brought like ... a lot of them . " mina said . " It's cool , so um guys we needa get all comfy and then i needa talk to you guys " you said with concern . " Okay , but bew . Um , jacob kept asking bout you today after he saw Alexa " Masha said while getting her P.j's . " So he's still dating the slut or what ? " you yelled from upstairs changing . " She's not a slut ! She's actually really nice once you get to know her . " Chanelle yelled out of her place . " Wait what ? " you said while walking downstairs . " Look , lets not argue . We came to get closer . Were best friends so act like it ! Damn . " Mina yelled . " Now , pizza ? Im ordering ? " Mina continued . " Im down ! But seriously , yn . He was like if she talks about me tell her we needa talk blahhh blahhh ! " Masha said .

3 hours later .

" Pizza , is like my long lost love . " Mina said while eating although she was the skinniest . " So what really happened to get you all this down YN ? " Chanelle asked.

" Well . . . okay so it all started like this" you said . - Flashback appeared - " It was 3 weeks ago and i was on my way to track practice at school while you guys were at the game . And as you know I'm co - captain and !Alexa is Captain of the team . We were getting ready in the girls locker room when she dropped her bag . I picked it up and her pregnancy test fell & i just so happen to see it was positive . She looked at me with her death glare and ran outside to practice . Then ... after she pulled me to the side and said if i tell Jacob or Anyone really that she'd tell Jacob how i really feel about him . So i kept quiet . Until ... Jacob ran toy house one day mad at Alexa and i slipped out the pregnant part . And we argued from there . " you said quite depressed and with a tear falling down your face . " So , just tell Jacob YN . " Masha said smiling and rubbing your back . " I - i can't Masha . I can't . I've been friends with him to long to just ruin it with some girly feelings . " you said holding your tears back . " Well , i know what you could do . YN , just see how he feels about you ? " Mina said smirking . " How can she do that ? " Chanelle said interested . " Duh , you and Masha . Chanelle you hang with Craig A lot a lot and he hangs with Jacob . & Masha your his sister . Try to see how he feels . I mean YN , if it's not meant to be ? What are you going to do. " Mina said . " Do what i've been doing my whole life . Hide my feelings . Even Alexa saw through my shell . And what about her baby ? Who's is it? " you said while looking directly at chanelle . " I mean since she is one of your best friends ? " You continued . " Well , all i could say is she Goes out with Jacob and sneaks around with ... John and then Malik but she never told me if Jacob and her even did it ? BUT HE SEEMS SURE AS WORRIED SO ... im not sure YN . " Chanelle said with regret in her eyes.

[ Please comment on how im doing ? 🙏 Thanks :) ]

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